Opened 3 years ago
Closed 3 years ago
#16041 closed enhancement (fixed)
falcon-3.2.0 requires karchive
Reported by: | Owned by: | Bruce Dubbs | |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 11.1 |
Component: | BOOK | Version: | git |
Severity: | normal | Keywords: | |
Cc: |
Description (last modified by ) ¶
With 3.2.0, kactivities is now *required* and some other parts are optional (and not just for use with pyside2).
From the cmake file:
# Mandatory: KF5 find_package(KF5 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Archive)
# Optional: KWallet, KIO, KCrash, KCoreAddons set(KF5_MIN_VERSION "5.54.0") find_package(KF5Wallet ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5Wallet PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE Frameworks Integration plugin" TYPE OPTIONAL) find_package(KF5KIO ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5KIO PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE Frameworks Integration plugin" TYPE OPTIONAL) find_package(KF5Crash ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5Crash PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE Frameworks Integration plugin" TYPE OPTIONAL) find_package(KF5CoreAddons ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5CoreAddons PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE Frameworks Integration plugin" TYPE OPTIONAL) find_package(KF5Purpose ${KF5_MIN_VERSION} CONFIG) set_package_properties(KF5Purpose PROPERTIES DESCRIPTION "KDE Frameworks Integration plugin" TYPE OPTIONAL) if (KF5Wallet_FOUND AND KF5KIO_FOUND AND KF5Crash_FOUND AND KF5CoreAddons_FOUND AND KF5Purpose_FOUND) set(ENABLE_KDE_FRAMEWORKS_INTEGRATION_PLUGIN TRUE)
IMHO, building all of KF5 is an unnecessary, and heavy, overhead. But I cannot see how to mark only karchive as required with the current structure of the book.
Change History (4)
comment:1 by , 3 years ago
comment:2 by , 3 years ago
Description: | modified (diff) |
Looking at the description above, I think we should promote kf5 to required, but add a note something like:
Strictly speaking, only karchive is required to build falkon, but several other packages in KF5 can be used if they are present. To build only karchive, download that package from the directory specified in <link to kf5 page> and use the build instructions on that page changing the $KF5_PREFIX to /usr.
comment:3 by , 3 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:4 by , 3 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
Fixed at commit 42fc81b5f6a604fd15e34c1f1a20b3e2e9ad8c59
Package updates and a dependency fix Update to pipewire-0.3.45. Update to lcms2-2.13.1. Update to tcsh-6.24.00. Update falkon dependencies. Update to screen-4.9.0.
Note that I'm running 3.2.0 with only ECM and karchive, both in /usr.