Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#16076 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

10.6.0: release

  • Fix one more PDF doc encoding omission: 0xAD is also undefined.
  • Bug fix: when splitting pages with --split-pages or selecting pages with --pages, set the output PDF version to the maximum of all the input PDF versions. This is a fix to QPDFJob. If you are creating output PDF files yourself from multiple inputs, you will need to code the same thing. The new PDFVersion object, its updateIfGreater() method, and the new QPDF and QPDFWriter methods described below make this very easy to do.
  • Add new class PDFVersion for more convenient comparison of PDF version numbers from the %!PDF header.
  • Add QPDF::getVersionAsPDFVersion() to return the PDF version and extension together as a PDFVersion object instead of a string.
  • Add a QPDFWriter::setMinimumPDFVersion() that takes a PDFVersion object.
  • Pl_Buffer and QPDFWriter: add getBufferSharedPointer(), which turns a PointerHolder<Buffer> but will return a std::shared_ptr<Buffer> in qpdf 11.
  • From m-holger: add getKeyIfDict(), which calls getKey for dictionaries and returns null if called on null. This is
  • Add several new accessors to QPDFObjectHandle: the bool getValueAsX(X&) accessors allow an alternative way to retrieve values from QPDFObjectHandle objects and can result in more concise code in many situations. Thanks to m-holger for the contribution.
  • Add qpdf_oh_new_binary_unicode_string and qpdf_oh_get_binary_utf8_value to the C API. This makes it possible to handle UTF-8-encoded strings with embedded NUL characters. Thanks to m-holger for the contribution.
  • Add a global user-defined string literal "_qpdf" as a shorthand for QPDFObjectHandle::parse, allowing you to create QPDFObjectHandle objects with QPDFObjectHandle oh = "<</Some (PDF)>>"_qpdf;
  • Expose QPDF::emptyPDF to the C API as qpdf_empty_pdf()
  • Add comments letting people know that the version string returned by QPDF::QPDFVersion and qpdf_get_qpdf_version is static.
  • Add QUtil::make_unique_cstr to return a std::unique_ptr<char[]> as an alternative to QUtil::copy_string and QUtil::make_shared_cstr.
  • New preprocessor symbols QPDF_MAJOR_VERSION, QPDF_MINOR_VERSION, QPDF_PATCH_VERSION as numbers and QPDF_VERSION as a string. These can be used for feature testing in code. These are in qpdf/DLL.h, which is included by every header that adds to the public API. Since these constants are introduced in version 10.6, it's important for them to be in a header that everyone already includes so you don't have to try to include a header that won't be there.
  • PointerHolder: add a get() method and a use_count() method for compatibility with std::shared_ptr. In qpdf 11, qpdf's APIs will switch to using std::shared_ptr instead of PointerHolder, though there will be a PointerHolder class with a backward-compatible API. To ease the transition, we are adding get() now with the same semantics as std::shared_ptr's get. Note that there is a difference in behavior: const PointerHolder has always behaved incorrectly. const PointerHolder objects only returned const pointers. This is wrong. If you want a const pointer, use PointerHolder<T const>. A const PointerHolder just shouldn't allow its pointer to be reassigned. The new get() method behaves correctly in that calling get() on a const PointerHolder to a non-const pointer returns a non-const pointer. This is the way regular pointers behave.
  • Major refactor: all functionality from the qpdf CLI is now available for library users using the QPDFJob class. See comments in include/qpdf/QPDFJob.hh and a new chapter about QPDFJob in the manual. QPDFJob provides fluent interfaces for setting options that exactly map to command-line arguments. There are also methods for initializing QPDFJob from an argv array and from a JSON object.
  • A light C API around basic QPDFJob functionality is in include/qpdf/qpdfjob-c.h.p
  • Add new functions version of QUtil::call_main_from_wmain that takes a constant argv array.
  • Have --json-help just output the JSON object, leaving a description to --help and the manual.
  • The --json flag now takes a version number as an optional parameter. The default will remain version 1 for compatibility until the release of qpdf 11, after which it will become "latest". At this time, there's only version 1, but a version 2 may appear in a future qpdf.
  • Add QPDFUsage exception, which is thrown by QPDFJob to indicate command-line usage or job configuration errors.
  • Add QUtil::make_shared_cstr to return a std::shared_ptr<char> instead of a char* like QUtil::copy_string
  • JSON: for (qpdf-specific, not official) "schema" checking, add the ability to treat missing fields as optional. Also ensure that values in the schema are dictionary, array, or string.
  • Add convenience methods isNameAndEquals and isDictionaryOfType to QPDFObjectHandle with corresponding functions added to the C API.
  • Add JSON::parse. Now qpdf's JSON class implements a general-purpose JSON parser and serializer, but there are better options for general use. This is really designed for qpdf's internal use and is set up to be compatible with qpdf's existing API and to hook into a planned JSON-based API to the QPDFJob class.
  • Add isDictionary and isArray to JSON
  • Major overhaul of documentation and help for the qpdf command-line tool. qpdf --help is now broken into topics rather than being one great wall of text, and the command-line arguments are indexed in the manual. The entire text of the "Running qpdf" chapter has been reviewed thoroughly. Many thanks once again to
    1. Holger for a detailed review and editorial assistance with the manual.
  • Bug fix: add missing characters from PDF doc encoding.
  • Add method QUtil::file_can_be_opened

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commit 27ba2a795f0a53b4d3a79c38103923fd7aff3cfb

Package updates.
    Update to libgee-0.20.5.
    Update to HTTP-Daemon-6.13 (Perl Module).
    Update to qpdf-10.6.0.

comment:4 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened
Summary: qpdf-10.6.0qpdf-10.6.1

Now version 10.6.1.

comment:5 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

10.6.1: release

  • Fix some compilation issues from use of abs without including proper headers.

comment:6 by Bruce Dubbs, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Fixed at commit 9eca1adad735e43958a90bab66180af4c3801eca

Package updates.
    Update to gtk-4.6.1.
    Update to ModemManager-1.18.6.
    Update to libwacom-2.1.0.
    Update to libqmi-1.30.4.
    Update to qpdf-10.6.1.
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