Opened 2 years ago

Last modified 18 months ago

#17618 closed enhancement

cairo-1.18.0 (we may need a gimp fix) — at Version 7

Reported by: ken@… Owned by: blfs-book
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by Xi Ruoyao)

New minor version.

I've just seen a report on that latest cairo broke the curves tool on gimp and that arch have fixed it with a revert in their 1.17.8-2 build:

git revert -n 47a21c6e30eef91db503a5a183d5c8cf558aaa56

Ignore the comment there that the revert doesn't fully fix it, comments 14,15 at explains that.

Looks like it might be a bug in gimp code

but reverting whatever is in that commit as a tmeporary measure might be easier.

Change History (7)

comment:1 by ken@…, 2 years ago

There is a first attempt at a gimp fix referenced on that ticket, further fix proposed to avoid divide by zero.

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 2 years ago

It's a gimp problem.

Please check the diff at

sed -e '/(bg_color)/i    \
  y    = MAX (y,    0);  \
  bg_y = MAX (bg_y, 0);' \
    -i app/widgets/gimphistogramview.c

I checked that the sed above applies, but have not rebuilt gimp.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by ken@…, 2 years ago

Replying to Bruce Dubbs:

It's a gimp problem.

Please check the diff at

sed -e '/(bg_color)/i    \
  y    = MAX (y,    0);  \
  bg_y = MAX (bg_y, 0);' \
    -i app/widgets/gimphistogramview.c

I checked that the sed above applies, but have not rebuilt gimp.

Thanks. I thought we were using 1.17.8, but unless my local copy of the book has totally missed it we are still on 1.17.6. I've just posted on -dev about that, 1.17.8 is in a snapshots directory.

Now using meson, and the GL and GLES backends have been removed.

comment:4 by ken@…, 2 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

If we are not going to use 1.17.8 then there is no way of testing if the sed will solve the problem, and no need. Closing as invalid.

comment:5 by pierre, 2 years ago

Milestone: 11.399-Waiting
Resolution: invalid
Status: closedreopened
Summary: gimp curves tool broken by cairo-1.17.8.gimp curves tool broken by cairo-1.17.8 (wait for cairo-1.17.8 to be released at GNOME).

Actually, only cairo-1.16.O is deemed stable by cairo website. But GNOME have been using the 1.17 series in their downloads. So I suspect cairo-1.17.8 will land into gnome downloads soon. Reopening, since we might want to keep an eye on this.

comment:6 by ken@…, 2 years ago

Meanwhile, we have updated to babl-0.1.102 and gegl-0.4.42.

With that version of babl, the installed pkgconfig file is now /usr/lib/pkgconfig/babl-0.1.pc instead of the previous /usr/lib/pkgconfig/babl.pc, causing gimp-2.10.23 to fail to configure:

Error: GIMP configuration failed.

  - Error: missing dependency babl >= 0.1.78

I think we want a separate ticket for gimp-2.10.34.

comment:7 by Xi Ruoyao, 18 months ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: gimp curves tool broken by cairo-1.17.8 (wait for cairo-1.17.8 to be released at GNOME).cairo-1.18.0 (we may need a gimp fix)

Cairo-1.18.0 is now available at It's clearly a stable release but I don't know if a tarball will be uploaded to

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