#18715 closed defect (fixed)

Fix tracker-miners crash on all architectures after the fix for CVE-2023-5557 (released in tracker-miners-3.6.1)

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: critical Keywords:


After installing tracker-miners-3.6.1 on a 32-bit system, it will crash due to a seccomp sandbox violation.

CVE-2023-5557 has been assigned for the sandbox escape vulnerability that was fixed in tracker-miners-3.6.1. This sandbox escape vulnerability has been exploited at least once.

I'm currently working with upstream to get this problem resolved, but I'm filing a ticket to make it easier to track and for the changelog.

This problem originally shows up in the tests, but happens if you kick tracker-miners off by opening Nautilus as well (or download a file while GNOME is open). Here's the results of a test of 3.6.1 in comparison to 3.6.0:


Summary of Failures:

18/74 tracker-miners:extractor+audio / mp3-id3v2.4-1                  FAIL             0.80s   exit status 1
19/74 tracker-miners:extractor+desktop / application                  FAIL             0.78s   exit status 1
20/74 tracker-miners:extractor+audio / mp3-id3v2.3-empty-artist-album FAIL             0.86s   exit status 1
21/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / bmp-basic-1                   FAIL             0.78s   exit status 1
22/74 tracker-miners:extractor+audio / mp3-id3v2.4-2                  FAIL             0.87s   exit status 1
23/74 tracker-miners:extractor+desktop / link-wikipedia-tracker       FAIL             0.86s   exit status 1
26/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / abw-1                         FAIL             1.04s   exit status 1
29/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / ico-basic-1                   FAIL             1.05s   exit status 1
30/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / jpeg-region-of-interest       FAIL             1.28s   exit status 1
31/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / jpeg-basic                    FAIL             1.29s   exit status 1
32/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / jpeg-gps-location             FAIL             1.29s   exit status 1
33/74 tracker-miners:extractor+audio / vorbis-musicbrainz             FAIL             1.33s   exit status 1
34/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / gif-comment-extension-block   FAIL             1.29s   exit status 1
35/74 tracker-miners:extractor+audio / flac-musicbrainz               FAIL             1.34s   exit status 1
36/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / png-basic                     FAIL             0.81s   exit status 1
37/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / raw-cr2                       FAIL             1.02s   exit status 1
38/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / tiff-basic                    FAIL             1.03s   exit status 1
39/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / gif-xmp                       FAIL             1.07s   exit status 1
40/74 tracker-miners:extractor+images / png-region-of-interest        FAIL             1.05s   exit status 1
42/74 tracker-miners:extractor+playlists / playlist-test-1            FAIL             0.82s   exit status 1
43/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / office-doc                    FAIL             0.83s   exit status 1
44/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / epub-doc-1                    FAIL             0.86s   exit status 1
45/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / powerpoint                    FAIL             0.91s   exit status 1
46/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / oasis-doc                     FAIL             0.94s   exit status 1
47/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / office-xml-doc-1              FAIL             0.93s   exit status 1
48/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / pdf-doc                       FAIL             0.75s   exit status 1
49/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / pptx-presentation-1           FAIL             0.59s   exit status 1
50/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / ps-doc                        FAIL             0.70s   exit status 1
51/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / pdf-encrypted                 FAIL             0.72s   exit status 1
52/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / xlsx-spreadsheet-1            FAIL             0.73s   exit status 1
53/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / ps-doc-atend                  FAIL             0.91s   exit status 1
54/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / psgz-doc                      FAIL             1.09s   exit status 1
55/74 tracker-miners:extractor+video / mkv-basic                      FAIL             1.03s   exit status 1
56/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / html-1                        FAIL             1.06s   exit status 1
57/74 tracker-miners:extractor+video / mov-basic                      FAIL             0.92s   exit status 1
58/74 tracker-miners:extractor+office / xps-doc-1                     FAIL             1.06s   exit status 1
59/74 tracker-miners:extractor+video / mp4-basic                      FAIL             0.78s   exit status 1
60/74 tracker-miners:extractor+video / mp4-video-without-audio        FAIL             1.05s   exit status 1
61/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_miner_basic                    FAIL            14.77s   exit status 1
62/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_cli                            FAIL            22.91s   exit status 1
63/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_fts_stopwords                  FAIL            23.89s   exit status 1
64/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_fts_file_operations            FAIL            23.95s   exit status 1
65/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_extractor_decorator            FAIL            24.63s   exit status 1
66/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_fts_basic                      FAIL            25.29s   exit status 1
68/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_miner_removable_media          FAIL            22.91s   exit status 1
69/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_miner_resource_removal         FAIL            21.85s   exit status 1
70/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_writeback_images               FAIL            21.36s   exit status 1
71/74 tracker-miners:functional / test_writeback_audio                FAIL            22.99s   exit status 1
74/74 tracker-miners:miner-fs+slow / miner-miner-fs                   TIMEOUT        180.10s   killed by signal 15 SIGTERM

Ok:                 25  
Expected Fail:      0   
Fail:               48  
Unexpected Pass:    0   
Skipped:            0   
Timeout:            1


Ok:                 74
Expected Fail:      0   
Fail:               0   
Unexpected Pass:    0   
Skipped:            0   
Timeout:            0

A coredump isn't too helpful at the moment as it only says vsyscall_handler for the function name, but does not give the actual syscall that triggered the violation. I'll be installing strace to get more information since tracker-miner's SIGSYS handler is not functional at the moment.

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 16 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 16 months ago

The commits upstream that were put in a couple days ago are still showing problems, so I've created https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/tracker-miners/-/issues/289

The syscall in question is the 'chmod' syscall

Last edited 16 months ago by Douglas R. Reno (previous) (diff)

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 16 months ago

From the patch's description:

Description:             Fixes several problems with the recent seccomp sandbox
                         tightening as a result of CVE-2023-5557. In particular,
                         this fixes crashes with a SIGSYS on i686, armhf, aarch64,
                         ppc32, and ppc64le architectures, but also handles the
                         netfilter syscalls on all architectures and prevents
                         the open/openat() flags from being used, and disallows
                         close/dup2/dup3() on standard I/O FDs.

                         These are effectively !490, !496, !480, and !488
                         upstream, and fixes issues #289, #285, #287, #288,
                         #284, #283, #281, and #280 upstream.

                         On all architectures, this patch will also output the
                         syscall that was used when crashing with a SIGSYS.

comment:5 by Douglas R. Reno, 16 months ago

Summary: Fix tracker-miners crash on i686 after the fix for CVE-2023-5557 (released in tracker-miners-3.6.1)Fix tracker-miners crash on all architectures after the fix for CVE-2023-5557 (released in tracker-miners-3.6.1)

comment:6 by Douglas R. Reno, 16 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at 219e2d6e443c8d98797a0499c68c9942c1b01d88

SA-12.0-034 issued for tracker-miners.

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