#18830 closed enhancement (fixed)

Archive GConf?

Reported by: Xi Ruoyao Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


GConf is only referred by pidgin, seamonkey, and emacs now. Is GConf really useful for them?

Change History (10)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 15 months ago

I don't see a way to disable GConf in pidgin. There are several of calls to gconftool-2. That said, pidgin is a gtk2 based app and itself a candidate for archival.

GConf is optional in emacs. configure says "--with-gconf compile with Gconf support (Gsettings replaces this)" I'm not sure is this means gsettings-desktop-schemas, but if it does, I'm fine with making GConf external here.

GConf is optional in seamonkey. In mozconfig we have:

# Comment out following option if you have gconf installed
ac_add_options --disable-gconf

I suggest leaving gconf alone for now and wait to re-evaluate at the next seamonkey release which is expected fairly soon.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by Xi Ruoyao, 15 months ago

Replying to Bruce Dubbs:

I don't see a way to disable GConf in pidgin. There are several of calls to gconftool-2. That said, pidgin is a gtk2 based app and itself a candidate for archival.

But in the page GConf is in optional dependencies, instead of required or recommended.

comment:3 by pierre, 15 months ago

In /etc/xdg/autostart, there is a file gsettings-data-convert.desktop, which is installed by gconf itself, and which converts any gconf data to gsettings. This is for applications that install gconf data, so that they have their configuration converted to gsettings. So to my understanding, we have to find which packages (if any) install gconf data. If there are none, gconf is not needed, I'd say.

comment:4 by pierre, 15 months ago

Reading the code of pidgin, if the programs finds gsettings in PATH, then it does not use GConf...

comment:5 by Xi Ruoyao, 15 months ago

I guess today most usage of GConf should be replaced by gsettings.

comment:6 by pierre, 15 months ago

I really think we can safely archive gconf... There is only one schema in /usr/share/GConf/schema, and it is installed by gconf itself. Furthermore, I've checked that pidgin builds and runs without gconf installed.

comment:7 by pierre, 15 months ago

In /etc/gconf, pidgin installs some files if gconftool-2 is present, but it does not install those if it does not find gconftool-2, and it runs ok anyway.

Last edited 15 months ago by pierre (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by Bruce Dubbs, 15 months ago

gsettings is installed by glib. That is in the required/recommended chain for all the packages discussed here.

I agree that we can archive GConf. The only question is whether we just remove it from the dependencies in these packages or put it in as an external dependency. I lean towards a clean removal.

comment:9 by Bruce Dubbs, 15 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

Nobody else seems to want to do this, so I will.

comment:10 by Bruce Dubbs, 15 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commit 18454ac7

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