Opened 15 months ago

Closed 15 months ago

Last modified 15 months ago

#18887 closed enhancement (fixed)

Pygments-2.17.1 (Python module)

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Version 2.17.1
(released November 19, 2023)

- Updated lexers:

  * TOML: Fix bug making lexing of single-quoted strings too eager

Version 2.17.0
(released November 18, 2023)

- New lexers:

  * JSX (#2524, #709)
  * Kusto (#2552)
  * ldaprc (#2532)
  * LDIF (#2489)
  * PRQL (#2507, #2523, #2559)
  * Visual Prolog and Visual Prolog Grammar (#2480)
  * Vyper (#2531, #2579)

- Updated lexers:

  * Cypher: fix comment matching, add missing keywords (#2504)
  * Fortran: add ``elseif`` keyword (#2528)
  * Lean: make it available as ``lean3``, in preparation for
    a possible switch to ``lean`` highlighting as Lean 4 (#2546)
  * JSON: add MIME types and file extensions for several line-delimited
    JSON formats (#2490)
  * Nix: many improvements (#2551, #1800)
  * OCaml: Add ``and`` keyword, remove ``value`` from keywords (#2521)
  * Python: add ``starlark`` and ``bazel`` aliases (#2517, #2516)
  * Snowball: Treat ``len`` like ``size`` (#2508)
  * Spice: add ``panic`` keyword and ``->`` operator (#2510)
  * squid.conf: fix catastrophic backtracking (#2583)
  * TOML: rewritten, with many fixes (#2576)
  * Turtle: support blank nodes (#2581)
  * Wikitext: fix erroneous highlighting of LanguageConverter markup
    (#2493), add missing variant languages (#2494)
  * CMake: support ``[=[ bracketed arguments ]=]`` (#2549)

- Fix ctags support and tests (#2487)
- Include ``Lexer.add_filter`` in the documentation (#2519)
- Add a ``Lean3Lexer`` alias (#2546)
- The ``pygments.styles`` module contains a new ``STYLES`` variable
  with a dictionary of built-in styles.  The old ``STYLE_MAP`` variable,
  which uses a different format, is kept for backwards compatibility.
- On Windows, add a new installation extra (``windows-terminal``) which pulls in
  dependencies for colored console output. See :doc:`cmdline` for more details.
- Support more file types in ``autopygmentize`` script (#2513)
- Change color of numbers in ``rrt`` style (#2526)
- Fix error when trying to look up plugin formatters by file extension
  of the output format (#2563)
- Use Hatchling as a build backend instead of setuptools.
  This change is transparent to most users. Distribution packagers
  who build without build isolation need to add hatchling as a build
  dependency and remove setuptools. People downloading source distributions
  and wheels from PyPI directly should note that they now have ``pygments``
  in their file names instead of ``Pygments``. (#2573)
- Improve the test framework to also check for lost tokens when processing the
  snippets and example files (#2582.)
- Improve the *Dracula* style definition to make it easier to maintain (#2575)

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Summary: Pygments-2.17,1 (Python module)Pygments-2.17.1 (Python module)

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 15 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:5 by Xi Ruoyao, 15 months ago

Oh, why they suddenly changed "p" to lowercase?

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