#19232 closed enhancement (fixed)

libXvMC-1.0.14 (Xorg Library)

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version

libXvMC - X-Video Motion Compensation API

This release includes support for building with meson as well as autoconf.
Please test building with meson and report any issues you hit to our
gitlab issue tracker at:
as we plan on removing the autoconf build support in a future release.

Alan Coopersmith (10):
      Make doc install path from meson match autotools
      gitlab CI: add a basic build test
      gitlab CI: Add libtool to required packages
      gitlab CI: stop requiring Signed-off-by in commits
      configure: Use LT_INIT from libtool 2 instead of deprecated AC_PROG_LIBTOOL
      Convert to X.Org standard code style
      Variable scope reductions as recommended by cppcheck
      Replace custom copy of GetReq macro with call to Xlib 1.5's _XGetRequest
      Handle implicit conversion warnings from clang
      libXvMC 1.0.14

Jeremy Huddleston Sequoia (1):
      meson: Fix compatibility version and current version of meson build to 
      be compatible with autotools build

git tag: libXvMC-1.0.14

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 13 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 12 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commit ee92a077.

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