#19337 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 12 months ago

Milestone: 12.212.1

This hasn't been tagged yet, so let's bring it back to 12.1 and I'll do the update when I get to gvfs.

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 12 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 12 months ago

                   Release Notes for Samba 4.19.5
                         February 19, 2024

This is the latest stable release of the Samba 4.19 release series.

Changes since 4.19.4

o  Ralph Boehme <slow@samba.org>
   * BUG 13688: Windows 2016 fails to restore previous version of a file from a
     shadow_copy2 snapshot.
   * BUG 15549: Symlinks on AIX are broken in 4.19 (and a few version before

o  Bjoern Jacke <bj@sernet.de>
   * BUG 12421: Fake directory create times has no effect.

o  Björn Jacke <bjacke@samba.org>
   * BUG 15550: ctime mixed up with mtime by smbd.

o  David Mulder <dmulder@samba.org>
   * BUG 15548: samba-gpupdate --rsop fails if machine is not in a site.

o  Gabriel Nagy <gabriel.nagy@canonical.com>
   * BUG 15557: gpupdate: The root cert import when NDES is not available is

o  Andreas Schneider <asn@samba.org>
   * BUG 15552: samba-gpupdate should print a useful message if cepces-submit
     can't be found.
   * BUG 15558: samba-gpupdate logging doesn't work.

o  Jones Syue <jonessyue@qnap.com>
   * BUG 15555: smbpasswd reset permissions only if not 0600.

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 12 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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