#19339 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New major version

It looks like we missed 42.x as well

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 12 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 12 months ago


Beta release.

GNOME Tweaks 42 focuses on removing tweaks which are now duplicated by
Settings. Additionally, Tweaks 42 marks the GTK theme tweak as "Legacy".
In GNOME 42, the "Legacy Applications" setting will only apply to some
GTK3 apps and a limited set of GTK4 apps. Most core GNOME apps will
instead respect the user's dark and light mode preference via libadwaita.
Users interested in theming can continue to do so using more advanced
options such as the GTK_THEME environment variable. 


Firstly, you may be confused by this release number. GNOME Tweaks had no changes between
beta and release so no release was done. There were also no new releases targeting
GNOME 43 or GNOME 44.

GNOME Tweaks 42.0 is meant to run alongside GNOME 42 through GNOME 44. This release is
focused on officially releasing the translations backlog but does remove one broken
setting (lock screen wallpapers) which has been broken since 3.36.

Thank you to the many translators who have been contributing to Tweaks over the past year,
I know for many of these contributions this release is overdue.

* Issues closed:
  - #404 Remove lock screen wallpaper option (Anthony Ryan)



GNOME Tweaks 45.0 is meant to run alongside GNOME 45.0. This release removes several
features now found in GNOME Settings. There are also some small interface
refreshments in preparation for the GTK4 upgrade. More significantly, the core interface
has been refactored to use layout files.

Thank you to the many translators who have been contributing to Tweaks over the past year,
I know for many of these contributions this release is overdue.

* Contributions:
  - !91 Remove Pointer Location Tweak (Fernando Monteiro)
  - !105 Remove Mouse Acceleration Profiles (Hari Rana)
  - !110 Remove overamplification option (Automeris naranja)

* Issues closed:
  - #404 Remove lock screen wallpaper option (Anthony Ryan)
  - #425 Remove the over-amplification option (sunflowerskater)
  - #447 Remove top bar tweak panel (Fernando Monteiro)



Small bug fixes and translation updates.

* Fixed a bug preventing users from resetting settings to default
* Fixed missing translations for the tweak categories

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 12 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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