Opened 4 weeks ago

Closed 4 days ago

#19755 closed enhancement (fixed)

gcc-14 issues

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: blfs-book
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.2
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


Just creating a ticket with a reference for easy access:

Change History (20)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 weeks ago

Mesa has a crash at runtime when compiled with GCC 14. It happens on AMDGPU cards in the si_llvm_optimize_module function.

in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by Xi Ruoyao, 3 weeks ago

Replying to Douglas R. Reno:

Mesa has a crash at runtime when compiled with GCC 14. It happens on AMDGPU cards in the si_llvm_optimize_module function.

It's triggered by LTO:

and we don't enable LTO for BLFS Mesa.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by Xi Ruoyao, 3 weeks ago

Replying to Xi Ruoyao:

Replying to Douglas R. Reno:

Mesa has a crash at runtime when compiled with GCC 14. It happens on AMDGPU cards in the si_llvm_optimize_module function.

It's triggered by LTO:

and we don't enable LTO for BLFS Mesa.

P.S. Anyway they should report it to the upstream instead of just hacking it around in the distro.

comment:6 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

QCA and evolution-data-server FTBFS with GCC 14+

comment:7 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

webkitgtk also FTBFS, but clang seems to fix it

in reply to:  6 comment:8 by Xi Ruoyao, 2 weeks ago

Replying to Rahul Chandra:

QCA and evolution-data-server FTBFS with GCC 14+

Evolution-data-server builds fine for me.

in reply to:  7 comment:9 by Xi Ruoyao, 2 weeks ago

Replying to Rahul Chandra:

webkitgtk also FTBFS, but clang seems to fix it

webkitgtk also builds fine for me. Can you post how it FTBFS?

comment:10 by Xi Ruoyao, 2 weeks ago

PLEASE paste the error message for a FTBFS and try to search in the upstream bug tracker if you hit it. And PLEASE do not duplicate a report from another distro w/o investigation.

comment:11 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

Sorry, it was really late last night so I didn't want to report the errors upstream without further investigation, here are the errors,

evolution-data-server (doesn't build with clang either with the same error might be something else): 
Camel-1.2.gir:42980.7-42982.16: warning: Field `Camel.Provider.auto_detect' conflicts with method of the same name
Camel-1.2.gir:55193.7-55196.24: warning: Field `Camel.StoreInfo.path' conflicts with method of the same name
Camel-1.2.gir:64312.35-64312.35: error: The type name `off_t' could not be found
[ 79%] Built target gir-typelibs-EBook_1_2_gir
          <type name="off_t" c:type="off_t*"/>
Camel-1.2.gir:64563.33-64563.33: error: The type name `off_t' could not be found
          <type name="off_t" c:type="off_t"/>

Give me a second to get the rest

comment:12 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

QCA (Doesn't build with clang, might be a chroot issue):

<command-line>: error: unable to find string literal operator 'operator""C' with 'const char16_t [65]', 'long unsigned int' arguments
/blfs/builds/qca-2.3.8/src/qca_core.cpp:466:34: note: in expansion of macro 'QCA_PLUGIN_PATH'
  466 |     paths << QDir(QStringLiteral(QCA_PLUGIN_PATH)).canonicalPath();

in reply to:  12 comment:13 by Joe Locash, 2 weeks ago

Replying to Rahul Chandra:

QCA (Doesn't build with clang, might be a chroot issue):

Isn't this a gcc ticket?

comment:14 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

yes, because it doesn't build with gcc or clang, I have confirmed it's not a chroot issue.

comment:15 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

I need to investigate more if it's working for Xi.

comment:16 by Bruce Dubbs, 2 weeks ago

qca build for me with gcc-14, but I had about 150 warnings, most for deprecated usage.

comment:17 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

Interesting I somehow got QCA and Webkitgtk working?? The only thing I can think of is that I gave my system a reboot but I don't see how that would affect anything. evolution-data-server is still broken for me though.

comment:18 by Rahul Chandra, 2 weeks ago

Sorry for the noise, seems like my vala build was corrupted, rebuilding vala fixed the issue.

comment:19 by Xi Ruoyao, 12 days ago

Use the same Vala version as the book says. Old Vala may build fine but then produce some C code rejected by GCC 14.

comment:20 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 days ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I'm going to close this ticket. If there are new gcc14 issues that pop up, lets make individual tickets for the affected package.

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