Opened 6 months ago

Closed 5 months ago

#20386 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: gnome-47
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New major version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 months ago


Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 47.alpha
    * Updated translations
    * Support VND currency #387 (Robert Roth)
    * Fixed incorrect event handling #392 (Robert Roth)
    * Removed Shift left/right dropdown #330 (Robert Roth)
    * Improved popover remove buttons #401 (Robert Roth)
    * Use result format instead of number format #399 (Robert Roth)
    * Ported to Adwaita adaptive dialogs (Robert Roth)
    * Disable undo button if nothing to undo #280 (Robert Roth)
    * Metainfo improvements (Andre Klapper)
    * Keep last conversion options at launch #351 (Robert Roth)
    * Minor improvements to the undo button !166 (Automeris naranja)
    * Make sure to use the correct app id for development builds !170 (Christopher Davis)
    * Stop using orange accent color !169 (Alice Mikhaylenko)
    * A11y announce status changes !172 (Lukáš Tyrychtr)


Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 47.beta
    * Updated translations
    * Fix hex string conversion for bitwise operator !177 (Xiong Nandi)
    * Force LTR for buttons !171 (Khalid Abu Shawarib)
    * Added kWh, MJ, KJ unit support #417 (Robert Roth)
    * Sort conversion categories alphabetically #395 (Robert Roth)
    * Removed obsolete bulgarian translations #402 (Robert Roth)
    * Only allow alphanumeric values for variable names #396 (Robert Roth)
    * Replace base_label with buttons !173 (Clément Mathieu--Drif)
    * Updated flathub badge !174 (Brage Fuglseth)
    * Use adwaita spinner !175 (Cristopher Davis)


Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 47.rc
    * Updated translations
    * Added brand colors !178 (Brage Fuglseth)


Overview of changes in gnome-calculator 47.0
    * Updated translations
    * Fixed flatpak build !181 (Hari Rana)
    * Don't use symbolic icons for the window !182 (Balló György)
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