Opened 5 months ago

Closed 5 months ago

#20613 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.3
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 months ago

## [12.2.0] – 2024-11-04

### Removed

  • Visual Studio build files have been removed. CMake is now the only supported build system on Windows.

### Added

  • Support for building the SWIG-generated PHP language bindings has been integrated into the CMake build system. This is controllable by the -DENABLE_PHP={AUTO|ON|OFF} option.
  • Support for building the SWIG-generated Python language bindings has been integrated into the CMake build system. This is controllable by the -DENABLE_PYTHON={AUTO|ON|OFF} option.

### Changed

  • An algorithm closer to that described in RFC 1942 and/or the CSS 2.1 specification is now used for sizing table cells within HTML-like labels. This is less scalable than the network simplex algorithm it replaces, but in general produces more intuitive results.
  • Tooltips on table elements within HTML-like labels are now propagated to SVGs produced by the core plugin (-Tsvg) even when the elements do not have href attributes.
  • In the Autotools build system, pkg-config is the only supported way for discovering Guile. Previous use of guile-config* has been removed.
  • The Autotools release artifacts for macOS (Darwin_*_graphviz-*.tar.gz) now use relative paths in links to dependent libraries and plugins. This should make the tree relocatable instead of having to live at /Users/gitlab/builds.
  • gml2gv no longer maps GML label attributes to Graphviz name attributes. These are now mapped to Graphviz label attributes.

### Fixed

  • In the Autotools build system, the core plugin links against libm, fixing some unresolvable symbols. This was a regression in Graphviz 4.0.0. Though it would primarily have affected non-Graphviz applications attempting to load this plugin on Linux.
  • The osage layout engine now understands a cluster to be indicated by the common rules, including the “cluster” prefix being case insensitive and the cluster=true attribute as an alternative.
  • acyclic once again produces its output on stdout. This was a regression in Graphviz 10.0.1.
  • When using the Tclpathplan module, created vgpanes can once again be named and addressed. This was a regression in Graphviz 12.1.2.
  • Omitting a polygon identifier when running triangulation using the Tclpathplan module (e.g. vgpane0 triangulate instead of vgpane0 triangulate 42) no longer goes unnoticed and reads invalid memory. This bug seems to have existed since the first revision of Graphviz.
  • When using the Tclpathplan module, defining a malformed <3-point polygon and then attempting to triangulate this polygon no longer reads invalid memory. This case is now rejected with an error during triangulation. Like the previous entry, this bug seems to have existed since the first revision of Graphviz.
  • When using the Tclpathplan module, binding a pane’s triangulation callback to a string ending in a trailing % (e.g. vgpane0 bind triangle %) no longer causes later out-of-bounds reads during triangulation. Like the previous entries, this bug seems to have existed since the first revision of Graphviz.
  • Mouse right-clicks in Smyrna are no longer sticky. In some contexts, right-clicking the mouse would register a mouse down event but no mouse up event, leading Smyrna to believe the user was dragging with the right button held down.
  • Arrowhead missing from tail-end of edge
  • The Ruby bindings package (libgv-ruby) is once again installable on Ubuntu. This became uninstallable when Ruby 1.8 was no longer available on Ubuntu, as it had a hard coded dependency of Ruby 1.8. This has now been relaxed to depend on any Ruby version ≥ 1.8.
  • Generated GIFs and JPEGs display the graphed image instead of a single solid color. This was a regression in Graphviz 12.1.1.
  • The CMake build system includes some supporting pieces of the SWIG-generated language bindings that were previously missing. It also links further dependencies that were previously missing.
  • In the CMake build system, linking of the Guile language bindings uses the full path to libguile, fixing issues on macOS.
  • The provided release packages for Debian-based operating systems (only Ubuntu currently) have corrected package dependencies.
  • Discussion of gvpr -c "" in the gvpr man page has been removed. This invocation did not do what was claimed.

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at commits

1e0af60ad5 Update to utfcpp-4.0.6.
8951257540 Update to gegl-0.4.50.
d8e7fafea1 Update to graphviz-12.2.0.
9bfbec4942 Re-enable gegl ffmpeg support.
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