Opened 3 months ago

Closed 2 months ago

#20821 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: elevated Milestone: 12.3
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 months ago

24.8.4 RC1

List of fixed bugs

Bugs fixed compared to 24.8.3 RC2:

    ofz#380107559 fods2xlsfuzzer Null-dereference READ
    tdf#86731 Spellcheck does not flag missing dictionary
    tdf#91315 Parentheses inverted in mixed RTL and LTR text in SVG export
    tdf#122716 IMPORT Writer can lose encoding for some multibyte symbols when copy-
paste from XLSX/Calc
    tdf#146269 No thumbnail preview of document in start center
    tdf#151423 Unintended zoom in or out on command key press if Calc is still 
    tdf#153636 "Use level from source chapter" does not work for Graphics, Frames, and 
OLE Objects in User-defined index
    tdf#154987 Santali Locale Data File
    tdf#155449 Launching Orca after Writer sometimes crashes Writer (stack trace 
provided) gtk3 a11y atkwrapper.cxx
    tdf#157130 Characters don't appear when pressing with CMD+Z pressed for couple of 
seconds and track changes record enabled (macOS-only)
    tdf#157312 Current cell highlight doesn't update with skia hardware rendering on 
    tdf#160621 Field dialog: user/variable field value field sometimes too small
    tdf#161152 LibreOffice doesn't set printer option "sides" leading to duplex not 
working on printers relying on this option
    tdf#161349 FILEOPEN: Header/Footer not displayed
    tdf#162195 TOC in Master document include headings from hidden sections
    tdf#162268 RTF: combination of hidden text and character attributes fails
    tdf#162702 Setting Additional formats - Date for a user field makes the Name and 
Value fields disappear in the Fields dialog
    tdf#162753 Problem with ctrl-k and Insert/Hyperlink
    tdf#162815 Images (BMP?) in Writer document not (all) correct in export to PDF (Windows and macOS)
    tdf#162944 opening Zip64 files produced by Apache POI is indicated as corrupted 
    tdf#162992 FILESAVE : Cell filtering (list) not saved in XLSX format
    tdf#163289 Broken accelerators for Width and Height in "Position & Size" dialog 
    tdf#163486 Bugs found by PVS-Studio static analyzer
    tdf#163667 Saving a particular spreadsheet takes a very long time
    tdf#163680 BASIC: 'Dim s As String * n' doesn't keep the string length on 
    tdf#163684 a11y: Orca doesn't announce role for non-editable comboboxes with gtk3 
VCL plugin
    tdf#163734 can't dock a Navigator window to its place on left side of main LO window 
by d&d
    tdf#163764 macOS dictation does not visualize dictated text while speaking in 
LibreOffice, requires pause for text to be shown
    tdf#163777 If "Numbers Tab" is selected when you open "Format Cells", "Numbers Tab" 
is not selected by pressing [Ctrl+PageUp]
    tdf#163792 Keyboard focus stuck in font-size selector (gtk3-only)
    tdf#163803 FILESAVE Save to pptx loses fill on image
    tdf#163818 Opening ODG file is reported to be corrupted when created by 3rd party 
software (minizip-ng)
    tdf#163831 Changed number format of a named CellStyle is not applied correctly 
    tdf#163842 XLS, XLSX Certain roundtripped spreadsheets not opening in Excel due to 
    tdf#163876 Calc clears current cell when switching between app windows with 
    tdf#163883 Lost Paragraph Styles when copying Impress Outline into Writer Outline 
since version
    tdf#163903 Support for West-African Guinean Money (GNF)
    tdf#163945 Slow UI refresh rate on mac when using Skia/Metal
    tdf#163974 (May be ODF-spec related) Nested Footnotes: LO reports `Read Error` but 
`ODFValidator` is quite happy
    tdf#164005 Hyphenator service: can't call createPossibleHyphens until I call 
    tdf#164006 Hyphenator service: createPossibleHyphens may create extra zero elements 
in getHyphenationPositions
    tdf#164026 If shape does not have control points, the respective fields in Slant & 
Corner Radius in Position and Size dialog should be disabled (kf5/kf6/gen/Win)
    tdf#164040 SortableGridDataModel cannot be notified for changes

24.8.4 RC2

List of fixed bugs

Bugs fixed compared to 24.8.4 RC1:

    tdf#119745 Scrolling with a laptop touchpad in Libreoffice way too fast
    tdf#147067 Option-click in a Mac scroll bar does not work properly
    tdf#152703 Skia - resizing StartCenter window with mouse leaves black undrawn areas 
until mouse button released
    tdf#162514 Spellchecker fails to recognize words ending in period (typically 
    tdf#162912 [Basic-IDE] In the Japanese UI, double-clicking on Basic-Code also 
selects strings beyond the dot
    tdf#163325 Crashes on Editing TOC when Preview is on
    tdf#163483 Math equations in an Impress file totally disappear when saving it as a 
PPTX file in 24.8
    tdf#163903 Support for West-African Guinean Money (GNF)
    tdf#163945 Slow UI refresh rate on mac when using Skia/Metal
    tdf#163948 Crash upon startup after enabling Notes Pane
    tdf#164124 Mismatching partial date input in date pre-formatted cell may lead to 
fraction being recognized
    tdf#164239 Inconsistent Interpretation of Year-Month-Day like strings in Calc

This release brings fixes for two security issues.

  • CVE-2024-12426: URL fetching can be used to exfiltrate arbitrary INI file values and environment variables (Medium)
URLs could be constructed which expanded environmental variables or INI file values, so 
potentially sensitive information could be exfiltrated to a remote server on opening a 
document containing such links.

Prior to this fix, documents could include links that made use of an internal feature 
that expands environmental variables and INI file values in URLS. In the fixed version, 
the expansion feature is not available in document hosted urls.

Users are recommended to upgrade to 24.8.4 to avoid this issue.
  • CVE-2024-12425: Path traversal leading to arbitrary .ttf file write (Low)
Various file formats can contain embedded font files which are extracted to temporary 
files which are added to LibreOffice's font lists.

Prior to this fix, an attacker could craft a document with embedded font file path names 
which could cause LibreOffice to write the contents of the embedded font to a filename 
in an arbitrary location the user has permission to write to. Albeit always with a 
".ttf" suffix.

Users are recommended to upgrade to 24.8.4 to avoid this issue.

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 months ago

Priority: normalelevated

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at 080e8d5737e336a2c0aeadc943ea4833318edcc8

SA-12.2-064 issued

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