Opened 6 weeks ago

Closed 6 weeks ago

#20991 closed enhancement (fixed)

gstreamer gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-ugly gst-libav gst-plugins-rs-gstreamer (libgstgtk4) 1.24.12

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.3
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 6 weeks ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 6 weeks ago

Highlighted bugfixes in 1.24.12

    d3d12: Fix shaders failing to compile with newer dxc versions
    decklinkvideosink: Fix handling of caps framerate in auto mode; also a 
decklinkaudiosink fix
    devicemonitor: Fix potential crash macOS when a device is unplugged
    gst-libav: Fix crash in audio encoders like avenc_ac3 if input data has insufficient 
    gst-libav: Fix build against FFmpeg 4.2 as in Ubuntu 20.04
    gst-editing-services: Fix Python library name fetching on Windows
    netclientclock: Don't store failed internal clocks in the cache, so applications can 
re-try later
    oggdemux: Seeking and duration handling fixes
    osxaudiosrc: Fixes for failing init/no output on recent iOS versions
    qtdemux: Use mvhd transform matrix and support for flipping
    rtpvp9pay: Fix profile parsing
    splitmuxsrc: Fix use with decodebin3 which would occasionally fail with an assertion 
when seeking
    tsdemux: Fix backwards PTS wraparound detection with ignore-pcr=true
    video-overlay-composition: Declare the video/size/orientation tags for the meta and 
implement scale transformations
    vtdec: Fix seeks occasionally hanging on macOS due to a race condition when draining
    webrtc: Fix duplicate payload types with RTX and multiple video codecs
    win32-pluginloader: Make sure not to create any windows when inspecting plugins
    wpe: Various fixes for re-negotiation, latency reporting, progress messages on 
    x264enc: Add missing data to AvcDecoderConfigurationRecord in codec_data for high 
profile variants
    cerbero: Support using ccache with cmake if enabled
    Various bug fixes, build fixes, memory leak fixes, and other stability and 
reliability improvements


    device: Fix racy nullptr deref on macOS when a device is unplugged
    iterator: Added error handling to filtered iterators
    netclientclock: Don't ever store failed internal clocks in the cache
    netclock-replay: use gst_c_args when building, fixing build failure on Solaris
    pluginloader-win32: create no window
    pluginloader-win32: fix use after free in find_helper_bin_location
    sparsefile: ensure error is set when read_buffer() returns 0
    basetransform: fix incorrect logging inside gst_base_transform_query_caps


    oggdemux: fixes seeking in some cases by not overwriting a valid duration with 
    video-overlay-composition: Declare the video/size/orientation tags for the meta & 
implement scale transformation
    Various fixes found from adding extra warning flags


    osxaudiosrc: Fixes for failing init/no output on recent iOS versions
    qtdemux: Use mvhd transform matrix and support for flipping
    qtmux: fix critical warnings on negotiation error
    rtpvp9pay: fix profile parsing
    splitmuxsrc: Ensure only a single stream-start event is pushed
    splitmuxsrc: decodebin3 Fails with assertion in mq_slot_handle_stream_start when 
    Various fixes found from adding extra warning flags


    decklinkvideosink: Fix handling of caps framerate in auto mode
    decklinkaudiosink: Don't crash if started without corresponding video sink
    d3d12: Fix shaders failing to compile with newer dxc versions
    tsdemux: Fix backwards PTS wraparound detection with ignore-pcr=true
    vtdec: fix seeks hangs due to a race condition draining
    vtdec: seeks freeze the pipeline
    wayland: Print table split when DMABuf format changes
    webrtc: fix duplicate payload types with RTX and multiple video codecs
    wpevideosrc: Clear cached SHM buffers after caps re-negotiation
    wpe: Report latency and start-up progress messages
    wpe: remove glFlush() when filling buffer
    Fix build with gtk3 but not wayland
    Various fixes found from adding extra warning flags


    x264enc: add missing data to AvcDecoderConfigurationRecord, and switch to GstByteWriter

GStreamer Rust plugins

    No changes


    avaudenc: fix crash in avenc_ac3 if input buffers are insufficiently aligned
    avcodecmap: Only use new channel positions when compiling against new enough ffmpeg
    gst-libav: 1.24.11: Fails to build with minimum supported ffmpeg version

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 6 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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