Opened 6 weeks ago

Closed 6 weeks ago

#21090 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: zeckma
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.3
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version. Not tagged yet so we can do this for 12.3.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by zeckma, 6 weeks ago

Full changes:

Notable Changes

    [82a9000e9e] - crypto: update root certificates to NSS 3.107 (Node.js GitHub Bot) #56566
    [b7fe54fc88] - (SEMVER-MINOR) fs: allow exclude option in globs to accept glob patterns (Daeyeon Jeong) #56489
    [3ac92ef607] - (SEMVER-MINOR) lib: add typescript support to STDIN eval (Marco Ippolito) #56359
    [1614e8e7bc] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: add ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPESCRIPT_SYNTAX (Marco Ippolito) #56610
    [6d6cffa9cc] - (SEMVER-MINOR) module: add findPackageJSON util (Jacob Smith) #55412
    [d35333ae18] - (SEMVER-MINOR) process: add process.ref() and process.unref() methods (James M Snell) #56400
    [07ff3ddcb5] - (SEMVER-MINOR) sqlite: support TypedArray and DataView in StatementSync (Alex Yang) #56385
    [94d3fe1b62] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src: add --disable-sigusr1 to prevent signal i/o thread (Rafael Gonzaga) #56441
    [5afffb4415] - (SEMVER-MINOR) src,worker: add isInternalWorker (Carlos Espa) #56469
    [697a851fb3] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add TestContext.prototype.waitFor() (Colin Ihrig) #56595
    [047537b48c] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add t.assert.fileSnapshot() (Colin Ihrig) #56459
    [926cf84e95] - (SEMVER-MINOR) test_runner: add assert.register() API (Colin Ihrig) #56434
    [c658a8afdf] - (SEMVER-MINOR) worker: add eval ts input (Marco Ippolito) #56394

comment:2 by zeckma, 6 weeks ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to zeckma
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by zeckma, 6 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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