Opened 2 days ago

Closed 38 hours ago

#21239 closed enhancement (fixed)

dbus-python-1.4.0 (Python module)

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.4
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 days ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 38 hours ago

dbus Python Bindings 1.4.0 (2025-03-13)

Build-time configuration changes:

* When building with Meson, the doc and tests options are now features.
  Documentation is still disabled by default: use -Ddoc=enabled to
  enable it, or -Ddoc=auto to enable it conditionally if the requireds
  packages are present.
  Tests are enabled by default if their prerequisites are present, but
  may run a subset of tests if some of the prerequisites are missing.
  Use -Dtests=enabled to check for all prerequisites for full test
  coverage, or -Dtests=disabled to avoid building any tests.

* Autotools-generated files are no longer included in the tarball release.
  The Autotools build system is likely to be removed in a future dbus-python
  release, so Autotools users should migrate to Meson as soon as possible.
  It is still possible to build using Autotools, by following the same
  procedure as for a git clone (starting with the `./` script).
  This requires autoconf, automake, libtool and autoconf-archive.


* Installing from source code using Meson requires Meson 0.60 or later.

* An upstream-supported Python version (currently 3.9 or later) is strongly
  recommended, and a future version of dbus-python is likely to require
  Python 3.9 or later.


* Automatically set the NO_REPLY message flag in call_async if there
  is no reply handler and no error handler (dbus-python!22, Mihai Dumitru)

* Add arg0namespace match rule support (dbus-python!27, Jeroen Hofstee)

* Add argNpath match rules support (dbus-python!24, Jeroen Hofstee)

* Generate a valid sdist from `meson dist` (Simon McVittie)

* Mention more alternatives to this package in the README (Simon McVittie)


* Don't require tomllib when generating dist tarball on Python ≥ 3.11
  (dbus-python#54, Timo Gurr)

* Fix compilation with Python ≥ 3.13 in some situations
  (dbus-python!28, Miro Hrončok)

* Avoid using distutils in (Simon McVittie)

* Fix a typo in example code (dbus-python!25, Robert Ancell)

* Safer handling of weak references (Simon McVittie)

* CI fixes (Simon McVittie)

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 38 hours ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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