Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#2896 closed enhancement (wontfix)

XZ-Utils (stable enough)

Reported by: willimm Owned by: blfs-book@…
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Update of lzma utils.

See closed ticket #2873 for more info.

Also, do not close this as a duplicate of #2873 or as wontfix, as this package is stable enough, judging by the fact that Fedora, CLFS, and Slackware us it.

Change History (14)

comment:1 by willimm, 16 years ago

...well, Trent Shea wants to see this package in the book.

By the way, I wish I could change the description.

comment:2 by Randy McMurchy, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Then you and Trent can simply install it on your machine. Sheesh, William, you whine like a little baby. Shut up already.

William, don't open another ticket about this. If you do, I will do everything within my technical ability to see that you cannot access the LFS server.

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by willimm, 16 years ago

Replying to randy@…:

William, don't open another ticket about this. If you do, I will do everything within my technical ability to see that you cannot access the LFS server.

I won't do that, but one more thing: I do want to see this in the book some day.

I think it's stable enough. What do you think?

comment:4 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 16 years ago

Priority: normallow
Resolution: wontfix
Status: closedreopened

I think this should be considered seriously for inclusion, even for 6.5 because,

  • the .xz format is now a standard [1]
  • many of the gnu packages use it already (coreutils), and I believe it's a choice based to the

fact that it looks that it's the better (right now) technology (various benchmarks proved that fact)

  • LZMA-utilities package is now obsolete and is not under active development and quite probably no-one is using it anymore

So, I am reopening the ticket, but I am setting the priority to low though, as there is no real urgency. However William, if you really want xz utils into the Book, you should contribute a patch instead of spamming Track and mailing lists.


in reply to:  4 comment:5 by willimm, 16 years ago

Replying to ag@…:

So, I am reopening the ticket, but I am setting the priority to low though, as there is no real urgency. However William, if you really want xz utils into the Book, you should contribute a patch instead of spamming Track and mailing lists.

Once I get around to doing that, I will get a patch ready.

comment:6 by Randy McMurchy, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: reopenedclosed

Closing this ticket for the reasons previously stated.

Additionally, I have spent two days looking at packages to see if they need updates. I have not run into *ONE* BLFS package that uses xz format. However, I have seen *MANY* that are packaged using LZMA.

I do not want to set precedent that we *ADD* a new package that is considered development.

This is not directed at you personally, Ag. I just think it sets bad precedent. Additionally, we don't need it for any BLFS package. Furthermore, it is CMMI. One should not need instructions to build this package.

comment:7 by Ag. Hatzimanikas, 16 years ago

That's why I said there is no real urgency. xz will be a common format (in the near future) for package distribution. If there is time, it can go into 6.5, otherwise it can be moved to future, as no matter the delay, xz will go eventually into the Book. If William is willing to provide the patch, I don't see a real reason to avoid applying it and to have it side by side with LZMA-utils.

As for the precedence, we already have such cases. zsh, mutt, mplayer, tidy to name a few. Anyway, I am not to go to Troy to make a war for this, thus I leave it for you as you always have the final word on anything, and I respect that.

comment:8 by Randy McMurchy, 16 years ago

No Ag, those are not the same as far as the precedence goes. Every one of those packages you named were introduced into the book as stable versions. For various technical reasons, we've allowed these packages to update to dev versions.

In the case of XZ, it would be introducing a development package into the book. That has never been done. I'm not trying to get in the final word, I just want to make it known that you are totally incorrect in your analysis.

in reply to:  7 comment:9 by willimm, 16 years ago

Replying to ag@…:

That's why I said there is no real urgency. xz will be a common format (in the near future) for package distribution. If there is time, it can go into 6.5, otherwise it can be moved to future, as no matter the delay, xz will go eventually into the Book. If William is willing to provide the patch, I don't see a real reason to avoid applying it and to have it side by side with LZMA-utils.

That's what I'm working on. But XZ-Utils is the newer version of LZMA-Utils. I will have a patch ready soon enough.

by willimm, 16 years ago

Attachment: blfs-xz-utils.patch added

As promised, the patch to add XZ-utils.

comment:10 by willimm, 16 years ago

There. A patch has arrived. Now you happy?

comment:11 by willimm, 16 years ago

Also, the -J option uses XZ to compress/uncompress XZ/LZMA files, as pointed out by David.

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by willimm, 16 years ago

Replying to willimm:

Also, the -J option uses XZ to compress/uncompress XZ/LZMA files, as pointed out by David.

The -J option for Tar, speficaly.

comment:13 by (none), 14 years ago

Milestone: 6.5

Milestone 6.5 deleted

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