Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#4769 closed defect (fixed)

Several typos in Abiword-3.0.0

Reported by: Arthur Radley Owned by: Pierre Labastie
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.6
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


The patch command needs ../ prepended to the patch file name.

The incorrect version number "-2.9" appears in the configuration commands, Contents, and Short Descriptions. I checked my timestamp package log. All of those instances of "-2.9" should be replaced with "-3.0".

P.S. and off-topic: Abiword is not so good any more as installed by the book (for me, anyway). It's appearance is degraded. The page rulers are graphically crude, flash, disappear, re-appear. And so on. This happened last time with v2.9.4, GTK-+3, and GOffice.0.10.0. I regained control of that version by using --with-gtk2 for Abiword and going back to GOffice-0.8.17 (which is no longer in the book). Anyway, I use LibreOffice too, of course, but I still like Abiword for some reason. I will fiddle with this version some until I get tired of it. Just FYI.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Arthur Radley, 11 years ago

I just installed Abiword-3.0.0 without GOffice of any version installed (using --with-gtk2 --without-goffice). Abiword installed quietly and looks normal (to me). I still need to test drive it to see what (if any) functionality is missing. Anyway, just FYI, GOffice may be "recommended" instead of "required" for Abiword-3.0.0. I will report any bad things that I discover.

comment:2 by Arthur Radley, 11 years ago

Okay. FYI, I installed Abiword-3.0.0 several times trying various combinations of configure options. I have GTK+-2 and GTK+-3 installed because each is required by other things I install. The situation remains as above with me having to install Abiword using the --with-gtk2 --without-goffice configure options and without GOffice installed. One thing or another goes wrong during or after installation with any other thing I tried and with or without GOffice installed. I also learned that Abiword positively requires librsvg to install. I have no idea what any of this means for you and the book (probably nothing). Anyway, at least fix the typos mentioned originally. So long.

comment:3 by Pierre Labastie, 11 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Pierre Labastie
Status: newassigned

Taking the ticket to fix the typos.

comment:4 by Pierre Labastie, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

typos fixed at r12867. If there are build issues, please open a new ticket.

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