Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#4815 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Fernando de Oliveira Owned by: Fernando de Oliveira
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.6
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Change History (8)

comment:1 by Fernando de Oliveira, 11 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Fernando de Oliveira
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Fernando de Oliveira, 11 years ago

There is also a new 3.3.5 version. Anybody know if we should go for 3.4.0 or keep on in the 3.3 series?

comment:3 by Fernando de Oliveira, 11 years ago

sorry, we already are in 3.3.5

comment:4 by Fernando de Oliveira, 11 years ago

I am still asking, please, opinions about going to series 3.4. Thanks for opinions.

It has essentially all programs, libraries and directories of 3.3, but with s/3.3/3.4/ in the filenames (dirnames).

There is a fundamental difference: A new program pip "as the default installer for Python packages, rather than the current approach of recommending the direct invocation of the install command."

From what I read, it is supposed to be something like cpan is for Perl.

I have just installed this version of Python, and will start doing some tests.

It is strongly recommended that I get some help. Depending on what I find, I will give back to the book.

comment:5 by Armin K, 11 years ago

I have just built the package and completed rebuild against it.

Out of 13 packages that I have python3 modules for, one failed to build and that one is in BLFS - pycairo-1.10.0. Archlinux has a patch for it but it's a binary one and I don't know how {,B}LFS repository would accept that one.

pyxdg-0.25 and dbus-python-1.2.0 built fine. 10 other modules include


All seem to work. This release, as you said, includes bundled pip and setuptools. I disabled those since setuptools is updated frequently and I use external version. I have no need for pip though. It's up to you to decide if these are to be kept.

Release is compatible with previous Python 3 versions, so it should be mostly safe to upgrade.

comment:6 by Fernando de Oliveira, 11 years ago

Thanks, Armin, very reassuring, and pyxdg-0.25 and dbus-python-1.2.0 built fine for me, too.

Still, we have:

upower (tests)
libreoffice (translations)

I tested these, LO would need to be overnight, so, I will skip it.

So, you think we just disable pip, without mentioning it?

comment:7 by Armin K, 11 years ago

You need to use switch and switches are explained in command explanations iirc.

comment:8 by Fernando de Oliveira, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Thank you very much, Armin.

Fixed at r12874.

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