Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#6489 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Fernando de Oliveira Owned by: ken@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.8
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Asymptote is a powerful descriptive
vector graphics language for technical drawing, inspired by MetaPost but
with an improved C++-like syntax. Asymptote provides for figures the same
high-quality level of typesetting that LaTeX does for scientific text.

A work around was implemented for the missing epswrite driver in
ghostscript-9.15. Deconstruction is now always done in the C locale. A
work around for a unit change in dvisvgm-1.5.3 was implemented. The path
arc(pair B, pair A, pair C, real r) function was fixed. The handling of
the boolean condition in parametric surfaces was fixed. The default
meshlight was changed to nolight so that mesh lines with positive width
appear consistent with the default mesh lines. A nonsquare image
dimension error was fixed. The definition of the SimpleHead arrowhead was
fixed. The zoom/menu button and play option were fixed. An
intersect(path, surface) function was implemented. A smoothcontour3
module written by Charles Staats and leminiscate example were added. The
inline asymptote.sty option now works with xelatex. An obsolete
workaround for an Adobe Reader transparency artifact was removed. An
asylatexdir option was added to support the pdflatex -output-directory
option. An aligndir option for aligning the picture to an arbitrary point
of the page boundary was added. The garbage collector was updated to
gc-7.4.2. The documentation was updated.

Posted by John Bowman 1 day ago 

Change History (3)

comment:1 by ken@…, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to ken@…
Status: newassigned

I'll try this in my forthcoming build.

comment:2 by ken@…, 9 years ago

Summary: asymptote-2.33asymptote-2.35

2.34 was released on 17th May, and 2.35 on 20th May.

Release Notes for Version 2.34

The readability of named pen colors was improved in the documentation.
A surface cone(path3 base, triple vertex) routine was added for
constructing an approximate cone over an arbitrary base. A test for
Ghostscript 9.14 or later was added to the build process. The documentation
was updated. A CYGWIN warning message under Windows 8 was fixed.
Release Notes for version 2.35:

A work around was implemented for a ghostscript eps2write bug that forces
all postscript to the first page, breaking multiple 3D XeLaTeX and ConTeXt

comment:3 by ken@…, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Done at r16087.

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