Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#7343 closed defect (fixed)

Update php_configure.txt

Reported by: Pierre Labastie Owned by: Pierre Labastie
Priority: low Milestone: 7.9
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Recently, a user reported that --with-mysql was not used anymore for PHP's configure (, while it was referenced both in "Command Explanations" and php_configure.txt.

Also, php_configure.txt references --with-apxs2, which is deprecated in favour of --enable-fpm.

So I think php_configure.txt should be updated to reflect that

Change History (13)

comment:1 by Pierre Labastie, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Pierre Labastie
Status: newassigned

There are two versions of php_configure.txt. One is in the BLFS SVN repository, in trunk/auxfiles, the other is hosted on anduin. Those two already differ, so I guess there is no automatic way to upload the SVN version to anduin. I can modify the version in SVN, but I would need help (either some automation script, or a manual install) to have it uploaded to anduin.

comment:2 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago

OK. Did not remember that file. Took a while to understand what you were talking about.

Thanks for fixing that.

comment:3 by Pierre Labastie, 9 years ago

I have committed a version which builds OK, with some comments. I am not sure I should keep the Berkeley DB backend: only versions or equal to 5 are supported. I could build with version 6 by applying a sed to configure, but all the DB4 tests seem to fail... Also, a quite a few tests (openldap, mysql) are skipped if the credentials are not what is expected by the PHP testers. I seem to have figured out what it is for mysql, but not for openldap...

comment:4 by bdubbs@…, 9 years ago

From best I can tell bdb6 is not supported by php.

As far as test failures go, I have no problem with them, but they should be documented, In this case, probably in php_configure.txt.

comment:5 by Pierre Labastie, 9 years ago

Thanks for the link. Using the full patch, the errors have gone away. There is still a licence problem, though: I understand GNU AGPL is incompatible with the use in a web server, for example.

I am investigating failures in postgreSQL tests now.

comment:6 by Pierre Labastie, 9 years ago

I have committed a version with some comments about tests, and synchronized the file on anduin. There is still some work to have the LDAP, ODBC, etc tests pass.

comment:7 by Pierre Labastie, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

LDAP tests are now documented. This needed to change the patch for openldap. For ODBC, there is much more work needed on the UnixODBC page, and I am not sure it is worth it. So closing for now.

Note that I have ensured that trunk/auxfiles/php_configure.txt at r17011 and are the same file.

Last edited 9 years ago by Pierre Labastie (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago

Why it was worth for LDAP and not so sure for ODBC? What made one worth but not the other one?

in reply to:  8 comment:9 by Pierre Labastie, 9 years ago

Replying to fo:

Why it was worth for LDAP and not so sure for ODBC? What made one worth but not the other one?

Good question: LDAP was broken anyway, and needed a fix. There was nothing more to do on the LDAP page. Further LDAP configuration for PHP tests is now documented in php_configure.txt.

On the other hand, the UnixODBC page in BLFS just installs the program, which is not functional because it cannot be used without a backend. So a backend should be installed (or maybe just configured, but I am not sure) too, which is a big change to the UnixODBC page, and not just a matter of putting instructions into php_configure.txt. Do you think we need a functional UnixODBC? Nobody seems to have complained up to now. But we can make a ticket for 7.10 (I wouldn't make a big change to the UnixODBC page during the freeze period).

Last edited 9 years ago by Pierre Labastie (previous) (diff)

comment:10 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago

I don't have no idea about nothing.

Sometimes I need to execute whoami and to my surprise, the result is fernando, not sísifo.

Last edited 9 years ago by Fernando de Oliveira (previous) (diff)

comment:11 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago


s/fernando, sísifo/fernando, not sísifo/

comment:12 by bdubbs@…, 9 years ago

unixobdc is referenced in the following packages:

general/prog/php.xml:          <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>,
general/genlib/ptlib.xml:      <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>,
general/genlib/apr-util.xml:   <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>
server/major/bind.xml:         <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>
server/other/openldap.xml:     <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>,
server/databases/mariadb.xml:  <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>,
x/lib/qt5.xml:                 <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>,
x/lib/qt4.xml:                 <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>
xsoft/office/libreoffice.xml:  <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>

I really don't have a good way to actually test unixodbc, but the build we do does satisfy the linkage requirements.

Do we need to open a ticket for unixodbc?

comment:13 by Pierre Labastie, 9 years ago

ODBC is an API to access databases. We only build the library, but not the database drivers (sorry for using backend above, the right word is driver). Actually, I am not completely sure the postgresql driver is not built. Anyway, UnixODBC is enough to build packages which require ODBC (such as libreoffice), but without driver, it is an "empty shell".

Many drivers are third party packages, sometimes with non FOSS licences. See We could investigate the possibility of building (or using) the postgresql driver, but I am still wondering whether it is worth it. Did somebody ever ask about ODBC on the mailing lists?

Maybe not a good answer to (quoting comment:12) "Do we need to open a ticket for unixodbc?". Sorry.

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