Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#8425 closed enhancement (fixed)

(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 8.0
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Meta ticket.

Change History (20)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

comment:4 by Pierre Labastie, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

comment:5 by bdubbs@…, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator nautilus gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

Add nautilus

comment:6 by bdubbs@…, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator nautilus gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

Move nautilus to platform

comment:7 by bdubbs@…, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager cheese baobab (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

Add baobab and cheese

comment:8 by bdubbs@…, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager cheese baobab (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager cheese baobab gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

And add gnome-logs, gnome-system-monitor, gnome-terminal, gucharmap

comment:9 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager cheese baobab gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager cheese baobab gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

Add gnome-disk-utility

Hopefully won't have to do this for too much longer...

comment:10 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager cheese baobab gnome-logs gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilityeog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

Remove duplicates.

comment:11 by bdubbs@…, 8 years ago

Milestone: 7.118.0

Milestone renamed

comment:12 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps cheese gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilityeog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

Cheese-3.22.1: fixed at r18099

comment:13 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-color-manager gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilityeog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

gnome-color-manager-3.22.2: Fixed at r18129

comment:14 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gnome-terminal gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilityeog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

gnome-terminal-3.22.1: Fixed at r18130

comment:15 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager baobab gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilityeog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

baobab-3.22.1: Fixed at r18139

comment:16 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: eog-3.20.5 evince evolution gnome-logs epiphany file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilityevince evolution gnome-logs file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

eog-3.20.5: Fixed at r18143 epiphany-3.22.4: Fixed at r18143

comment:17 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: evince evolution gnome-logs file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilityevolution gnome-logs file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

evince-3.22.1: Fixed at r18144

comment:18 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: evolution gnome-logs file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilitygnome-logs file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utility

evolution-3.22.3: Fixed at r18146

comment:19 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Summary: gnome-logs file-roller gnome-calculator gnome-maps gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications) gnome-disk-utilitygnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

gnome-logs-3.22.1: Fixed at r18148

gnome-maps-3.22.2: Fixed at r18148

gnome-disk-utility-3.22.1: Fixed at r18148

gnome-calculator-3.22.2: Fixed at r18148

file-roller-3.22.2: Fixed at r18148

comment:20 by Douglas R. Reno, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
Summary: gnome-power-manager gnome-system-monitor gucharmap (GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)(GNOME 3.22.1 Applications)

gnome-power-manager-3.22.2: Fixed at r18156

gnome-system-monitor-3.22.2: Fixed at r18156

gucharmap-9.0.2: Fixed at r18156

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