Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#9870 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: bdubbs@… Owned by: bdubbs@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 8.2
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by bdubbs@…, 7 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to bdubbs@…
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by bdubbs@…, 7 years ago

The following bugs have been fixed:


    BT ATT dissector crash (Bug 14049) CVE-2017-15192


    MBIM dissector crash (Bug 14056) CVE-2017-15193


    DMP dissector crash (Bug 14068) CVE-2017-15191


    RTSP dissector crash (Bug 14077) CVE-2017-15190


    DOCSIS infinite loop (Bug 14080) CVE-2017-15189

    Wireshark crash when end capturing with "Update list of packets in real-time" option off. (Bug 13024)
    Diameter service response time statistics broken in 2.2.4. (Bug 13442)
    Sequence number isn’t shown as the X axis in TCP Stream Graph - RTT. (Bug 13740)
    Using an SSL subdissector will cause SSL data to not be decoded (related to reassembly of application data). (Bug 13885)
    Wireshark 2.4.0 doesn’t build with Qt 4.8. (Bug 13909)
    Some Infiniband Connect Req fields are not decoded correctly. (Bug 13997)
    Voip Flow Sequence button crash. (Bug 14010)
    wireshark-2.4.1/epan/dissectors/packet-dmp.c:1034: sanity check in wrong place ?. (Bug 14016)
    wireshark-2.4.1/ui/qt/tcp_stream_dialog.cpp:1206: sanity check in odd place ?. (Bug 14017)
    [oss-fuzz] ASAN: 232 byte(s) leaked in 4 allocation(s). (Bug 14025)
    [oss-fuzz] ASAN: 47 byte(s) leaked in 1 allocation(s). (Bug 14032)
    Own interface toolbar logger dialog for each log command. (Bug 14033)
    Wireshark crashes when dissecting DOCSIS REGRSPMP which contains UCD. (Bug 14038)
    Broken installation instructions for Visual Studio Community Edition. (Bug 14039)
    RTP Analysis "save as CSV" saves twice the forward stream, if two streams are selected. (Bug 14040)
    VWR file read ends early with vwr: Invalid data length 0. (Bug 14051)
    reordercap fails with segmentation fault 11 on MacOS. (Bug 14055)
    Cannot Apply Bitmask to Long Unsigned. (Bug 14063)
    text2pcap since version 2.4 aborts when there are no arguments. (Bug 14082)
    gtpprime: Missing in frame.protocols. (Bug 14083)
    HTTP dissector believes ICY response is a request. (Bug 14091) 

comment:3 by bdubbs@…, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 19340.

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