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Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#242 gerard@… markh@… fixed patch 2.5.4 needs -D_GNU_SOURCE on PPC

On Sat, 22, Dec, 2001 at 03:18:26PM +0100, Jean Charles Andlauer spoke thus..

Hello again,

As the original poster, I confirm that:

  1. patch-2.5.4 does not work correctly under PPC if it was made with the

default CFLAGS,

  1. Patch-2.5.4 works correctly under PPC if it was made with


  1. That most patch RPMs I have found make patch with CFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE.

Somebody else commented that this was discussed a few months back: See also the thread:

We need to check it doesn't bugger up compilation on x86 platforms. If it doesn't I suggest just adding it to the book with a comment as to why it's there.

#243 gerard@… gimli@… fixed Weird typo's in dependencies for netkit-base

sh rom the bash package

as rom the binutils package ld rom the binutils package strip rom the binutils package

cp rom the fileutils package install from the fileutils package rm rom the fileutils package

make rom the make package

cc rom the gcc package

sed rom the sed package

date from the sh-utils package

cat from the textutils package

Was your "f" key broken Gerard? ;) Don't have time to fix this now, but it looks stupid so it should be fixes ASAP :)

#244 gerard@… emh@… fixed gzexe: /usr/bin/gzip -> /bin/gzip + fix gzexe's sleep expectancy

/usr/bin/gzexe refers to /usr/bin/gzip, which is moved to /bin/gzip by the install script.

fix: sed 's/"BINDIR"/\/bin/' > gzexe.fixed mv gzexe.fixed

Eivind Magnus Hvidevold

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