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Results (190 - 192 of 4881)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#88 lfs-book@… antilyrical@… invalid NSS wtih versions of glibc other then 2.0

On page 91 of the book it talks about how to copy the NSS files if you have glibc-2.0 on your starting distribution. There should be directions on what to do if you have other versions of glibc(such as 2.1.95. Also there should be notes on how other versions will effect the installation of the glibc- linuxthreads on page 98

#90 markh@… antilyrical@… fixed Wording of the installation of glibc and glibc-linuxthreads

Page 98 discribes the installtion of glibc and glibc-linuxthreads. The first line says "Unpack the glibc-linuxthreads in the glibc-2.2.1 direcotry, not the /usr/src.". I think this line should be changed to: "Unpack glibc-2.2.1 in the normal way you have for the other packages. Then unpack the glibc- linuxthreads archive in the glibc-2.2.1 direcotry, not the /usr/src.".

I think this change is needed because some people might look at the original sentence and only unpack the glibc-linuxthreads archive, instead of both archives.

#93 lfs-book@… antilyrical@… wontfix compress with bzip2 for smaller archive

I think this archive should be made into a '*.tar.bz2' so that is will be smaller.

(...or maybe I should just get a cable modem *grin*)

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