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Results (202 - 204 of 4881)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#211 lfs-book@… gerard@… duplicate gawk-3.1.0

From: "Jason Gurtz" <jason@…> To: <lfs-dev@…> Subject: RE: NOT Gawk vs Mawk Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:22:15 -0400

#215 lfs-book@… gerard@… fixed Redundant MANPATH

From jsmaby@…:

I noticed that in /usr/share/misc/man.conf the MANPATH uses both /usr/man and /usr/share/man, so programs like whatis and apropos give two matches for each man page (try whatis ls for instance). Now, it appears that makewhatis adds /usr/man regardless of what is in that file, so in order to fix the problem we would have to uncomment the /usr/share/man entry, even though that's where the man pages really are.

#228 markh@… gerard@… fixed merge appendix a +b & order alphabetically

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