Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2278 closed task (fixed)

Textual discrepancies in the udev rules

Reported by: Trent Shea Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: lowest Milestone: 6.4
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: trivial Keywords:



Cleanups in appendix E. The lfs-rules and cdrom-rules have outdated versions in their comments.

Change History (5)

by Trent Shea, 16 years ago

comment:1 by, 16 years ago

That's not a version. It's just a string, used to put the files into a fixed order when udev reads them. (Same as the numbers in the bootscript symlinks.)

But anyway, fixed in r8740, in both books.

comment:2 by, 16 years ago

...But apparently I can't close this ticket. I suspect this is related to the Trac permission changes from about a month ago; I wonder what needs to happen before I can do that again. Maybe I need to create a new account using my address, like all the other editors?


No, that didn't seem to work either. Hmm.

Well, hopefully somebody else can kill this ticket. :-)

comment:3 by Jeremy Huntwork, 16 years ago

Bryan, try again when you have a free second, please, using your original trac account.

comment:4 by bdubbs@…, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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