Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2311 closed task (duplicate)

Several issues in current stable LFS book. Part 2.

Reported by: Arthur Demchenkov Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by ken@…)


zdiff and zcmp don't work as expected (no output at all) bzdiff works fine in opposite to gzip's crap.

me too (read that as "maybe nobody uses these, since no-one noticed until you reported it"). Does it work in distros (a quick look at fedora suggests they don't do anything obvious to fix this) ? i.e. is it an LFS-specific problem ? If it's general, do upstream know ? (Tested with a couple of gzipped -1 and -2 patches from debian that I happen to have in /sources - most people probably never have anything suitable to use with zdiff or zcmp).

The easiest way to solve this (I think) is to rewrite bzip2's analogous scripts to make them work with gzip archives (these are ordinary bash scripts).

but why would we go further down the road of writing our own scripts so that we pretend to be a distro ?


Annoying absence of tar man page in LFS. Why can't we just take one from some distro?

because upstream uses info, and hopefully keeps it up to date ?

Change History (6)

by Arthur Demchenkov, 16 years ago

The description is inside

by Arthur Demchenkov, 16 years ago

Attachment: custom-service.tar.bz2 added

Service called 'custom' and example of usage

in reply to:  description comment:1 by ken@…, 16 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

Replying to Spinal:

Section 7.12.1

sed -i -e 's/write_cd_rules/& mode/' \

sed: can't read /etc/udev/rules.d/75-cd-aliases-generator.rules: No such file or directory

Probably you mean /lib/udev/rules.d/ ?

Section 7.12.2

... and sound card configuration can be found in BLFS.

It's better to change BLFS link from general to corresponding part of the book.

I mean changing from to


zdiff and zcmp don't work as expected (no output at all) bzdiff works fine in opposite to gzip's crap.

The easiest way to solve this (I think) is to rewrite bzip2's analogous scripts to make them work with gzip archives (these are ordinary bash scripts).


Annoying absence of tar man page in LFS. Why can't we just take one from some distro?


There's little ?bug? . The patch is in attachment.

Also I can propose to introduce one more service script. It's also in attachment.

comment:2 by Arthur Demchenkov, 16 years ago

Please don't alter my tickets. Leave comments instead. Have a manner.

Thank you.

comment:3 by Arthur Demchenkov, 16 years ago

Answering to Ken: 1) When you altered my description in so brave way, did you think about fedora as most stable/popular or whatever else distribution in the world? Why didn't you try checking zdiff and zcmp in Debian stable (ethc) for example? Please don't touch that ticket anymore.

2) Man pages are more convenient and frequently used way of getting help than info. Please consider this.

3) Other issues I mentioned before are still not fixed. Why did you remove them from my description? I created another ticket. I ask you, Ken, you don't touch it. Thanks.

comment:4 by Matthew Burgess, 16 years ago

Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Superceded by #2315.

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