#5371 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Xi Ruoyao
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.1
Component: Book Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Xi Ruoyao, 17 months ago

XZ Utils Release Notes

5.4.5 (2023-11-01)

  • liblzma:
  • Use __attribute__((__no_sanitize_address__)) to avoid address sanitization with CRC64 CLMUL. It uses 16-byte-aligned reads which can extend past the bounds of the input buffer and inherently trigger address sanitization errors. This isn't a bug.
  • Fixed an assertion failure that could be triggered by a large unpadded_size argument. It was verified that there was no other bug than the assertion failure.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented building with Windows Vista threading when __attribute__((__constructor__)) is not supported.
  • xz now properly handles special files such as "con" or "nul" on Windows. Before this fix, the following wrote "foo" to the console and deleted the input file "con_xz":

echo foo | xz > con_xz xz --suffix=_xz --decompress con_xz

  • Build systems:
  • Allow builds with Windows win95 threading and small mode when __attribute__((__constructor__)) is supported.
  • Added a new line to liblzma.pc for MSYS2 (Windows):

Cflags.private: -DLZMA_API_STATIC

When compiling code that will link against static liblzma, the LZMA_API_STATIC macro needs to be defined on Windows.

  • CMake specific changes:
  • Fixed a bug that allowed CLOCK_MONOTONIC to be used even if the check for it failed.
  • Fixed a bug where configuring CMake multiple times resulted in HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME and HAVE_CLOCK_MONOTONIC not being set.
  • Fixed the build with MinGW-w64-based Clang/LLVM 17. llvm-windres now has more accurate GNU windres emulation so the GNU windres workaround from 5.4.1 is needed with llvm-windres version 17 too.
  • The import library on Windows is now properly named "liblzma.dll.a" instead of "libliblzma.dll.a"
  • Fixed a bug causing the Ninja Generator to fail on UNIX-like systems. This bug was introduced in 5.4.0.
  • Added a new option to disable CLMUL CRC64.
  • A module-definition (.def) file is now created when building liblzma.dll with MinGW-w64.
  • The pkg-config liblzma.pc file is now installed on all builds except when using MSVC on Windows.
  • Added large file support by default for platforms that need it to handle files larger than 2 GiB. This includes MinGW-w64, even 64-bit builds.
  • Small fixes and improvements to the tests.
  • Updated translations: Chinese (simplified) and Esperanto.

comment:2 by Xi Ruoyao, 17 months ago

Owner: changed from lfs-book to Xi Ruoyao
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Xi Ruoyao, 17 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed


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