Opened 14 months ago

Closed 14 months ago

Last modified 14 months ago

#5435 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: lfs-book
Priority: high Milestone: 12.1
Component: Book Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Xi Ruoyao, 14 months ago

Priority: normalhigh
Release 2.6.0 Tue February 6 2024 

Security fixes:
      `#789 #814`  CVE-2023-52425 -- Fix quadratic runtime issues with big tokens
                   that can cause denial of service, in partial where
                   dealing with compressed XML input.  Applications
                   that parsed a document in one go -- a single call to
                   functions XML_Parse or XML_ParseBuffer -- were not affected.
                   The smaller the chunks/buffers you use for parsing
                   previously, the bigger the problem prior to the fix.
                   Backporters should be careful to no omit parts of
                   pull request #789 and to include earlier pull request #771,
                   in order to not break the fix.
           #777  CVE-2023-52426 -- Fix billion laughs attacks for users
                   compiling *without* XML_DTD defined (which is not common).
                   Users with XML_DTD defined have been protected since
                   Expat >=2.4.0 (and that was CVE-2013-0340 back then).

        Bug fixes:
            #753  Fix parse-size-dependent "invalid token" error for
                    external entities that start with a byte order mark
            #780  Fix NULL pointer dereference in setContext via
                    XML_ExternalEntityParserCreate for compilation with
                    XML_DTD undefined
       #812 #813  Protect against closing entities out of order

        Other changes:
            #723  Improve support for arc4random/arc4random_buf
       #771 #788  Improve buffer growth in XML_GetBuffer and XML_Parse
       #761 #770  xmlwf: Support --help and --version
       #759 #770  xmlwf: Support custom buffer size for XML_GetBuffer and read
            #744  xmlwf: Improve language and URL clickability in help output
            #673  examples: Add new example "element_declarations.c"
            #764  Be stricter about macro XML_CONTEXT_BYTES at build time
            #765  Make inclusion to expat_config.h consistent
       #726 #727  Autotools: Support --disable-maintainer-mode
    #678 #705 ..
  #706 #733 #792  Autotools: Sync CMake templates with CMake 3.26
            #795  Autotools: Make installation of shipped man page doc/xmlwf.1
                    independent of docbook2man availability
            #815  Autotools|CMake: Add missing -DXML_STATIC to pkg-config file
                    section "Cflags.private" in order to fix compilation
                    against static libexpat using pkg-config on Windows
       #724 #751  Autotools|CMake: Require a C99 compiler
                    (a de-facto requirement already since Expat 2.2.2 of 2017)
            #793  Autotools|CMake: Fix PACKAGE_BUGREPORT variable
       #750 #786  Autotools|CMake: Make test suite require a C++11 compiler
            #749  CMake: Require CMake >=3.5.0
            #672  CMake: Lowercase off_t and size_t to help a bug in Meson
            #746  CMake: Sort xmlwf sources alphabetically
            #785  CMake|Windows: Fix generation of DLL file version info
            #790  CMake: Build tests/benchmark/benchmark.c as well for
                    a build with -DEXPAT_BUILD_TESTS=ON
       #745 #757  docs: Document the importance of isFinal + adjust tests
            #736  docs: Improve use of "NULL" and "null"
            #713  docs: Be specific about version of XML (XML 1.0r4)
                    and version of C (C99); (XML 1.0r5 will need a sponsor.)
            #762  docs: reference.html: Promote function XML_ParseBuffer more
            #779  docs: reference.html: Add HTML anchors to XML_* macros
            #760  docs: reference.html: Upgrade to OK.css 1.2.0
       #763 #739  docs: Fix typos
            #696  docs|CI: Use HTTPS URLs instead of HTTP at various places
    #669 #670 ..
    #692 #703 ..
       #733 #772  Address compiler warnings
       #798 #800  Address clang-tidy warnings
       #775 #776  Version info bumped from 9:10:8 (libexpat*.so.1.8.10)
                    to 10:0:9 (libexpat*.so.1.9.0); see
                    for what these numbers do

       #700 #701  docs: Document security policy in file
            #766  docs: Improve parse buffer variables in-code documentation
    #674 #738 ..
    #740 #747 ..
  #748 #781 #782  Refactor coverage and conformance tests
       #714 #716  Refactor debug level variables to unsigned long
            #671  Improve handling of empty environment variable value
                    in function getDebugLevel (without visible user effect)
    #755 #774 ..
    #758 #783 ..
       #784 #787  tests: Improve test coverage with regard to parse chunk size
  #660 #797 #801  Fuzzing: Improve fuzzing coverage
       #367 #799  Fuzzing|CI: Start running OSS-Fuzz fuzzing regression tests
       #698 #721  CI: Resolve some Travis CI leftovers
            #669  CI: Be robust towards absence of Git tags
       #693 #694  CI: Set permissions to "contents: read" for security
            #709  CI: Pin all GitHub Actions to specific commits for security
            #739  CI: Reject spelling errors using codespell
            #798  CI: Enforce clang-tidy clean code
    #773 #808 ..
       #809 #810  CI: Upgrade Clang from 15 to 18
            #796  CI: Start using Clang's Control Flow Integrity sanitizer
  #675 #720 #722  CI: Adapt to breaking changes in GitHub Actions Ubuntu images
            #689  CI: Adapt to breaking changes in Clang/LLVM Debian packaging
            #763  CI: Adapt to breaking changes in codespell
            #803  CI: Adapt to breaking changes in Cppcheck

comment:2 by Xi Ruoyao, 14 months ago

XML_DTD is defaulted to 1 and we don't override it, so do not announce CVE-2023-52426 in the SA.

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 14 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at commit 96026a10.

Update to shadow-4.14.4.
Update to setuptools-69.1.0 (Python module).
Update to python-3.12.2.
Update to pkgconf-2.1.1.
Update to MarkupSafe-2.1.5 (Python module).
Update to man-pages-6.06.
Update to expat-2.6.0.
Update to linux-6.7.4.

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 14 months ago

SA-12.0-091 issued.

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