Opened 7 weeks ago

Closed 7 weeks ago

#5637 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: lfs-book
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.3
Component: Book Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 7 weeks ago

Updates/Fixes since v1.47.1:

UI and Features

  • Drop the tune2fs -r option and replace it with -E revision=<fs-rev>. Revision 0 file systems are needed for compatibility with pre-1995 Linux kernels (older that version 1.2). Most of the time, users shouldn't be using the -r option and they can confuse themselves and end up creating a file system that is missing most modern ext4 features, including no online resizing, no support for post-2038 timestamps, etc.
  • Add support for gnu.translator extended attributes in tar files fed to mke2fs -d.
  • Add a debugfs command to list all of the inodes in the orphan list.


  • Fix orphan_file support on big endian systems.
  • Fix resize2fs to update the checksums in blocks belonging to the orphan file if it needs to move them.
  • Fix e2fsck to clear the orphan file after processing it so that e2fsck -E journal_only doesn't leave the file system in a corrupted state.
  • Avoid a spurious failure in badblocks when -n or -w is specified twice.
  • Fix a bug where e2fsck could skip checking a file systems with the orphan_file feature if there are orphaned files that need to be cleaned up.
  • Tune2fs will now upgrade a revision 0 file system to revision 1 before trying to change the inode size. Otherwise, this could result in a corrupted file system.
  • Fix fuse2fs --helpfull so that it displays the full help message.
  • Allow resize2fs to perform an offline resize past the 256 TiB boundary (which the kernel could do as part of an online resize).

Performance, Internal Implementation, Development Support etc.

  • Fix various Coverity and compiler warnings.
  • Speed up tune2fs -g when the group is not changed by the command.
  • Fix build failures on GCC 15 due to it switched to using -std=c23 by default.
  • Fix build failure when linking fuse2fs with old (2.9.9) version of libfuse2 on aarch64. This hack was needed to fix a regression caused by another hacky workaround needed to work around a build failure on mipsel64 thanks to glibc using different struct stat layouts depending _FILE_OFFSET_BITS is set and this caused failures when dynamic linking against libarchive on Debian's mipsel64.
  • Fix unused parameter warnings for packages which including ext2fs.h.
  • Fix bug where packages including ext2fs.h would get the 32-bit versions of the timestamp routines even on 64-bit platforms due to a missing SIZEOF_TIME_T autoconf definiton in public_config.h.
  • Teach dumpe2fs and e2mmpstatus to support LABEL= and UUID= specifiers since the e2mmpstatus man page claims that it supports LABEL= and UUID=. This support was accidentally dropped when e2mmpstatus was reimplemented in terms of dumpe2fs.
  • Suppress mke2fs's "Creating regular file" message when the -q option is in force.
  • Enable Continuous Integration testing in Debian's Salsa forge.
  • Fix a memory leak in oss-fuzz test programs.
  • Provide fuseext2 to replace the debian package src:fuse-umfuse-ext2.
  • In the Debian package for e2fsprogs, add a suggestion to install the package libarchive13t64.
  • In the Debian package for e2fsprogs, decrease the priority from required to important.
  • Fix the f_badjour_encrypted test to write the error output from mke2fs and debugfs to a log file so it doesn't mess up the "make check" output and to make those error messages available in the case of test failure.
  • Fix my_llseek() declaration when building against musl libc.
  • Clean up groff warnings in man pages.
  • Document the orphan_file feature in the ext4(5) and tune2fs(8) man pages.
  • Allow building e2fsprogs without libarchive-dev installed to make life easier for bootstrapping for new Debian ports
  • Various man page cleanups.
  • Update translations.

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 7 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed at commit 4f401fb372.

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