Opened 24 years ago

Closed 24 years ago

Last modified 24 years ago

#81 closed defect (fixed)

Fix txt indentation

Reported by: gerard@… Owned by: markh@…
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Book Version: 3.0-pre4
Severity: normal Keywords:


The txt version has too much indentation, partly caused by us using <blockquote> in the command instructions. Perhaps we should remove <blockquote> and start using <screen> dumps instead, this won't be too bad for readability I think.

Attachments (2)

ch01-05.diff (29.3 KB ) - added by markh@… 24 years ago.
Here is the patch for chapters 1 - 5. I'll have the patch for 6 - 9 done soon.
difftotal (80.1 KB ) - added by markh@… 24 years ago.
Here's the patch for ch6-end. Also patched is chapter1/conventions.xml to keep that page up to date with the change. When this is applied and seen to be OK, I'll close the bug.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

comment:1 by markh@…, 24 years ago

Is this example the sort of thing we're looking for?

(the above is the xml file; it doesn't work if I give it an xml extension using

my web space!)

This is just a test page so the links don't work (Note that I modified chrootcmd.xml as well but didn't post that....

If this is what's wanted, I'm willing to take this bug on. By the way Gerard, don't worry - I'll make sure I post one patch using the two trees method this time if I am to do this :-)

comment:2 by gerard@…, 24 years ago

That looks a lot better. It would be nice if the <screen> block could have a grey background. I can't remember right now how to do it, but the docbook book at has it somewhere (it contains all the DocBook XML/SGML tags we can use according to the DTD).

One little thing though: the html file (and thus txt too when rendered) looks like this:

Installation of Bash

Install Bash by running the following commands:

./configure --prefix=/usr --with-curses && make && make install && <cut>

There's no empty line between the "Install Bash by running" and the ./configure command. I'm not sure why, but you may want to try to put <screen> between <para> tags like this:

<para> Install Bash blah blah </para>

<para><screen> ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-curses &amp;&amp; make &amp;&amp; make install &amp;&amp; logout mv $LFS/usr/bin/bash $LFS/usr/bin/bashbug $LFS/bin </screen></para>

Test that please and let us know again. Btw when you render the html file, you can look at it with lynx yourself to determin if it worked or not. If not see if you can try something else. If it looks fine in lynx post the url here again so I can look at it too (I am beginning to suspect a minor bug in my lynx. If I use netscape/mozilla/konqueror on that html file it looks just fine. So, not sure what's going on.

comment:3 by markh@…, 24 years ago

Owner: changed from lfs-book@… to mark-lfs@…
Status: newassigned

by markh@…, 24 years ago

Attachment: ch01-05.diff added

Here is the patch for chapters 1 - 5. I'll have the patch for 6 - 9 done soon.

comment:4 by gerard@…, 24 years ago

Patch for chapters 1-5 applied, waiting for chapters 6+

by markh@…, 24 years ago

Attachment: difftotal added

Here's the patch for ch6-end. Also patched is chapter1/conventions.xml to keep that page up to date with the change. When this is applied and seen to be OK, I'll close the bug.

comment:5 by markh@…, 24 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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