Custom Query (19861 matches)


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Results (145 - 147 of 19861)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#287 blfs-book@… richard.downing@… fixed Ghostscript 8.00 does not create CUPS pstoraster subsystem

CUPS requires a pstoraster subsystem consisting of scripts to drive Ghostscript to create CUPS format raster files. The configuration script pstoraster.convs needs to be placed in /etc/cups. None of these are installed by the current BLFS Ghostscript 8.00 installation. The ESP Ghostscript 7.05 patches do not work with Ghostscript 8.00. Hence the BLFS Printing system is broken. The solution is to change to ESP Ghostscript 7.05-5.

#288 blfs-book@… stefankrah@… fixed daemontools-0.76: svscanboot contains /command/svc; telinit Q should come last
  • The install commands still leave /command/svc in svscanboot.
  • mkdir /etc/service should come before telinit Q to avoid error messages

Revised commands:


cd admin/daemontools-0.76 && package/compile && cd package && sed 's|command|usr/sbin|' boot.inittab > boot.inittab~ && mv boot.inittab~ boot.inittab && cd ../command &&

sed 's|/command:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:
' svscanboot > svscanboot~ &&

sed 's|/service|/etc/service|g' svscanboot~ > svscanboot && sed 's|command|usr/sbin|' svscanboot > svscanboot~ && mv svscanboot~ svscanboot && cp * /usr/sbin && cd ../package && cat /etc/inittab boot.inittab > /etc/inittab~ && mv -f /etc/inittab~ /etc/inittab && mkdir /etc/service && telinit Q


So far the bugs. As I'm reporting anyway, I'd like to mention that I find the choice of /etc/service as the service directory an unhappy one:

One of the advantages of daemontools is that you can quickly control a daemon by typing e.g. svc -d /service/leafnode. If one uses /etc/service, one a) has to type more and b) TAB completion is hampered by the existence of the file /etc/services.

When I first installed daemontools, I also didn't like the creation of the /service directory. After trying out /etc/service and /etc/daemonservices, I finally put the configuration files for each daemon in /etc/<daemon> and linked that directory to /service. I think that is the cleanest solution.

Stefan Krah

#289 blfs-book@… scharob@… invalid perl-modules


I got an error with the make command. I found a patch that fixes this Error.

It is localed here:

So you can compile the perl-module with

perl Makefile.PL --without-guessing && make && make install


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