Custom by milestone. (26 matches)


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Milestone: 12.2 (8 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Component Created
#19739 elogind-255.5 assigned Bruce Dubbs BOOK 5 hours
#19442 qt5-5.15.13 (Possible Archive/Partial removal) new blfs-book BOOK 7 weeks
#19718 ffmpeg-7 causes other packages to fail new blfs-book BOOK 6 days
#19704 intel-media-24.1.5 assigned Rahul Chandra BOOK 9 days
#19508 jdk-22.0.1 assigned Douglas R. Reno BOOK 6 weeks
#19729 cups-2.4.8 assigned Tim Tassonis BOOK 4 days
#19612 grub-efi: Provide a method to install it and LFS grub at the same time w/o overwriting each other assigned Xi Ruoyao BOOK 3 weeks
#19738 Firefox and Thunderbird no longer require Python-3.11 to build assigned Xi Ruoyao BOOK 9 hours

Milestone: 99-Waiting (12 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Component Created
#19676 sphinx-7.3.6 (wait for 7.3.7) assigned Bruce Dubbs BOOK 2 weeks
#11549 Archive Python 2 (Wait until BLFS-12.1 is released) new blfs-book BOOK 5 years
#17125 mypaint-brushes-2.0.2 (Wait for gimp3) new blfs-book BOOK 19 months
#18303 Cython-3.0.0 (Python module)(Wait until PyYAML can use this) new blfs-book BOOK 10 months
#18531 Archive gtk2 new blfs-book BOOK 8 months
#18586 libpeas-2.0.0 (new ABI version, wait until something needs it) new blfs-book BOOK 8 months
#19068 lxml-5.0.0 (Python Module) (Wait for Cython-3 to be in the book) new blfs-book BOOK 4 months
#19540 SDL3-3.1.0 (Preview, wait for final release and (a package needing it or sdl2-compat)) new blfs-book BOOK 5 weeks
#19557 rustc-1.77.2 (wait for the next release) new blfs-book BOOK 5 weeks
#19680 plasma-6.0.4 for lxqt: kwayland libkscreen layer-shell-qt (Wait until at least June) new blfs-book BOOK 13 days
#19717 thunderbird-125.0 (wait for 128) new blfs-book BOOK 6 days
#19438 llvm-18.1.4 (wait for 18.1.5 if no urgent reason) reopened Xi Ruoyao BOOK 8 weeks

Milestone: hold (1 match)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Component Created
#15772 Update dependencies on "x-window-system" assigned pierre BOOK 2 years

Milestone: pre-release (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Component Created
#13850 Review perl dependent modules leading up to release. new anyblfseditcandothis BOOK 4 years
#12241 vim-9.1.xxxx (Sync with LFS) new blfs-book BOOK 5 years
#16962 ImageMagick (Update before next release) new blfs-book BOOK 20 months
#18520 Update x264/x265 before each release new blfs-book BOOK 8 months
#18562 Review Python dependencies leading up to release assigned pierre BOOK 8 months
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