Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#11739 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Bruce Dubbs
Priority: normal Milestone: 9.0
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


New point version.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Bruce Dubbs
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

GEGL-0.4.14 2019-03-xx


New Scratch allocator for short lived buffers.

Removed unneeded buffer copies in some processing code paths in GeglNode and GeglProcessor.

Add gegl_babl_variant API for getting variations on an existin pixel-format/encoding.

Expose gegl_node_is_graph()


Compression of tile data.

Handle dynamically changing swap dir.

Improvements to mipmap damage propagation.

Fixes to threading race conditions.

Low-level tile handling more adapted to buffers creating from existing linear data.

New iterator API is now the default, GEGL_BUFFER_ITERATOR2_API is no longer needed.

CMYK/grayscale handling for scaled blits, code paths in samplers, serialization.

New default tile-cache size, 50% of RAM.

Initialize the first OpenCL device with IMAGE support.

Added gegl_parallell_ from gimp_parallell_ API to distribute processing for multiple cores.


crop, added aux-pad - if connected the incoming bounding box determines the crop size.

Input-format specific processing for performance in watershed-transform and invert ops. CMYK handling in jpg-load/save, tiff-load/save, gaussian-blur, opacity, most composing and blending operations, text, vector-stroke, path, and transform operations.

Improved or fixed mipmap preview rendering of emboss, linear-gradient and radial-gradient.

Better ui strings/range/defaults for: distort/waves and dropshadow, value-propagate.

gaussian-blur: fix mistake in implementation of IIR Young blur 1d, which caused non circular halos.

New operation: pdf-load with build dependency on poppler-glib

Added offset properties to pixelize filter.

new ops in workshop: voroni diagram, Grey Color Removal, spyrograph.

Handle mipmap rendering for linear-gradient and radial-gradient.


The existing microraptor-gui (immediate mode touch UI+CSS with cairo) image viewer that can be built as part of the gegl binary has been revisted, a graph/property editor has been added, and migration/ extension to lua has begun for parts of the code.

many parts of the UI is of exploratory proof of concept/alpha

Warning quality but released since it is part of the GEGL repository

and useful development tools both for creating and testing new GEGL operations as well as GEGL itself.

Some screenshots showing some the process towards the state and capabilties of the UI in this release can be seen at https://

To build with this UI the following dependencies also need to be satisifed, for now this is not intended to be packaged by distributions yet.

lua-lgi        (debian package name) upstream:

Features: folder view resolution independent UI touch oriented navigation GIF / video playback PDF pagination goats that expose performance and capabilty issues in GEGL efficient (though not sandboxed) thumbnailing embedded simple commandline graph editor zoomable automatic, consistent graph layout autogenerated property-inspector ui visualization of color model/bitdepth through styling of edges live-extendable with lua code for per-operation canvas UI

This release depends on the new features of babl-0.1.62 which has the following change summary for the last release:

Continuous integration with gitlab. Initial CMYK spaces with lcms2 based ICC support, much room for optimization. Improved custom space support for palette formats. scRGB space, works like sRGB but always with linear TRCs. Model introspection API permitting low overhead checks whether a format/model is RGB, CMYK type of alpha and similar.

comment:3 by Bruce Dubbs, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at revision 21279.

comment:4 by Bruce Dubbs, 5 years ago

Milestone: 8.59.0

Milestone renamed

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