Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#14846 closed enhancement (fixed)

texlive 2021

Reported by: ken@… Owned by: ken@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.0
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2021 11:35:11 -0600
From: Karl Berry <>
Subject: tl21 released
Message-Id: <>

Hi everyone - I've moved the tl20 and mactex20 images and other files to
the public areas on They are making their way around CTAN.
Please give it a couple days to reach the mirrors.

There are no changes from the final pretest.

I've updated the TL web pages at, though
doubtless some staleness remains. Let me know if problems.

We hope a torrent for the .iso will be available soon, linked from

The TeX Collection image is not yet final, so I haven't made those
updates. We have no ETA on this year's DVD mailing as yet.

Unfortunately, having made the release, I am going to be offline for
several days. So please be sure to report problems to a mailing list,
not me individually. I won't see any new mail until next week.

Happy TeXing. --karl

Initial version is 20210325.

Change History (10)

comment:1 by ken@…, 4 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to ken@…
Status: newassigned

Starting to look at this. I need to remind myself how to get the upstream fixes (mpost and luatex). Oh, I was hoping to stop building subversion :-(

comment:2 by ken@…, 4 years ago

Providing that none of the essential fixes need anything from texmf, I can get the fixes from (NB the master branch, not the 2021 branch which is older!)

comment:3 by ken@…, 4 years ago

I will be looking at the binary before trying to work out what needs to change to build the source.

comment:4 by ken@…, 4 years ago

For the source, system poppler is gone. That option remains as a no-op, but the option for system xpdf remains - without including the poppler include directory, causing configure to fail. So drop both options.

From NEWS (reformatted)

- source: poppler support removed, as it was too hard to
 keep in sync with upstream. In native TL, pdftex has  
 always used libs/xpdf, which is cut-down and adapted code
 from xpdf.

comment:5 by ken@…, 4 years ago

It seems I did not explain why patches are necessary. See Note that a binary install updates to all those items plus all newer ones.

Looking at the patches for that range of commits, some are updating texk/texlive/linked_scripts/ e.g. fontools/afm2afm gets a newer version. It turns out that the files in linked_scripts/ get installed into texmf-dist during the install.

At the moment our instructions then overwrite them with what is in the texmf-dist tarball. It turns out that adding '--keep-newer-files' prevents them being overwritten (and reports a lot of files as 'is newer or same age').

comment:6 by ken@…, 4 years ago

I then re-read Karl's post: only a few updated binaries are needed, so I reduced the patches I'm using and dropped the '--keep-newer-files' switch.

comment:7 by ken@…, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed in @00a31549ff76c17b5539327ae8405cc4d9efe2bb. I also updated xindy to match the current binary, in @17156823af4e7c39dc1f939183176d01842a4a0f

[ edited to prefix the FULL hash with an '@' : that links to the commit, using a shorter version of the hash does not seem to link.]

Last edited 4 years ago by ken@… (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Test comment.

comment:9 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Another test. (Sorry)

comment:10 by Bruce Dubbs, 4 years ago

Milestone: 10.211.0

Milestone renamed

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