Opened 3 years ago

Closed 3 years ago

#16010 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: ken@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 11.1
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by Xi Ruoyao, 3 years ago

biblatex TDS is not upgraded along with it.

comment:2 by Xi Ruoyao, 3 years ago

2.17   (2022-01)
       * Tool mode now supports tab indentation in output as well as spaces
         (see --output-indent)
       * More compact match/replace syntax for serial items in data maps
       * Native ARM64 binary for OSX now provided

comment:3 by ken@…, 3 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to ken@…

tds now available:

  The behaviour of index-less granular xdata references to list fields has
  changed. Before, a reference to an XDATA list field would select the
  first element in the XDATA field list if no index was given but now this
  will splice in all elements of the XDATA list field. To ensure the
  previous behaviour, simply add "-1" (assuming the default value of "-"
  for the biber 'xdatasep' option) to the end of all granaular list
  XDATA references.
- Added helper macros to enable calculations with non-ASCII numerals.
  This is necessary to properly support languages like Marathi.
  At the moment the 'translation' is very basic and uses a one-to-one
  correspondence of US-ASCII (Arabic) digits and non-ASCII digits.
  The translation also needs additional post-processing steps.
  Use `\blx@defcomputableequivalent{<numeral digit>}{<ASCII digit>}` to
  make `<numeral digit>` an equivalent of `<ASCII digit>`
  (presumably this command will be used in `.lbx` files if the language
  requires it).
  `\hascomputableequivalent{<string>}` can be used to check if `<string>`
  is a number that can be converted to a number with ASCII digits.
  `\getcomputableequivalent{<string>}{<macro>}` does the conversion
  and saves the number in `<macro>`.
  There is `\ifiscomputable{<string>}` to check if a `<string>`
  is an ASCII number OR has a computable equivalent.
  There are analogous macros for fields instead of strings.
- Added `\textouterlang` to select the last active language that
  was not selected by `biblatex` itself.
  This may help in multilingual setups where `biblatex` also changes the
  language quite heavily.
- Added `\DeclareBibstringSet`, `\DeclareBibstringSetFormat` etc.
  to allow injecting additional formatting for a set of bibstrings.
  Sets can be defined arbitrarily. These commands are primarily
  intended for use in localisation modules.
- Changed the definition of `\bibnamedelimi` to `\isdot\addnbspace`.
  Previously the definition was just `\addnbspace`, which meant the `.`
  would be treated as a period/full stop.
  `\DeclareDelimFormat` no longer accepts a list of names as argument.
  It only accepts a single delimiter name.
  A list of contexts is still supported.
  Note that previously the optional argument would not work correctly
  with a list of names.
  `biblatex` no longer writes tracking and refsection initialisation code
  to aux files.
  Instead the `\...cite` commands are redefined locally to do that on demand.
  This should keep the auxiliary files much cleaner of `biblatex`
  Generalised `season` date part to `yeardivision`. It can now also
  hold quarter, quadrimester, semestral or seasons with hemisphere
  Helper macros have been renamed accordingly. Limited backwards
  compatibility is in place.
- **(Possibly) CRITICAL CHANGE**
  `\notecite` and friends no longer issue an explicit `\nocite`.
  Since the commands are defined with `\DeclareCiteCommand`, they
  already issue a normal cite request.
  The additional `\nocite` from the loop code was superfluous
  and would result in slightly instable `.bcf` files.

comment:4 by ken@…, 3 years ago

Remarkably, the direct dependencies and their minimum versions have not changed since 2.16.

comment:5 by ken@…, 3 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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