Opened 3 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#17106 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: gnome-43
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 years ago


Version 1.73.1

- The interactive interpreter now displays its output more intelligently,
  pretty-printing the properties and values of objects based on their type. This
  improvement also applies to the log() and logError() functions.

- New API: DBus proxy classes now include methods named with the suffix 'Async',
  which perform async calls to DBus APIs and return Promises. This is in
  addition to the existing suffixes 'Sync' (for blocking calls) and 'Remote'
  (for async calls with callbacks.)

- There is an override for Gio.ActionMap.prototype.add_action_entries().
  Previously this method wouldn't work because it required an array of
  Gio.ActionEntry objects, which are not possible to construct in GJS. Now it
  can be used with an array of plain objects. (e.g. `this.add_action_entries([
  {name: 'open', activate() { ... }}]);`

- GJS is now compatible with libffi 3.4.2 and later. All earlier versions of GJS
  are not compatible with libffi 3.4.2 and later unless libffi is built with the
  --disable-exec-static-tramp flag.

- GJS now requires Meson 0.54 to build.

- Closed bugs and merge requests:
  * Verbose Object Print Output [#107, !587, Nasah Kuma]
  * Add support for JS async calls in DBusProxyWrapper [!731, Sergio Costas]
  * Crash after build against libffi 3.4.2 [#428, !737, Evan Welsh]
  * Handle reference cycles in new console pretty print function [#469, !739,
    Nasah Kuma]
  * Gnome-Shell 42 - crash after login (general protection fault) [#479, !740,
    Xi Ruoyao]
  * Various maintenance [!741, Philip Chimento]
  * jsapi-util-strings: Ignore locale to compute the upper case of a char (i.e.
    fix implicit properties on Turkish locale) [!742, Marco Trevisan]
  * Dockerfile: Install Turkish locale in CI for UTF-8 locale too [!743, Marco
  * Improve pretty-print output for GObject-introspected objects [#476, !744,
    Nasah Kuma]
  * Expose pretty print function to tests [!745, Nasah Kuma]
  * build: track changes to Sysprof meson options [!747, Christian Hergert]
  * Make Gio.ActionMap.add_action_entries work [#407, !749, Sonny Piers]
  * Make DBus session and system props non-enumerable [!750, Sonny Piers]
  * gi/arg-inl: Mark the arg functions as constexpr [!752, Marco Trevisan]
  * build: Do not use verbose GJS debug logging in tests by default [!753, Marco
  * minijasmine: Print test JS errors output if any [!754, Marco Trevisan]
  * doc: document the existence of the console object in GJS [!759, Andy Holmes]
  * arg-cache: Use a switch to select the not-introspectable error [!762, Marco
  * log_set_writer_func is not safe to use [#481, !766, Evan Welsh]


Version 1.73.2

- New JavaScript features! This version of GJS is based on SpiderMonkey 102, an
  upgrade from the previous ESR (Extended Support Release) of SpiderMonkey 91.
  Here are the highlights of the new JavaScript features.
  For more information, look them up on MDN or

  * New APIs
    + The `Object.hasOwn()` static method can be used as an easier replacement
      for ``.
    + `Intl.supportedValuesOf()` lets you enumerate which calendars, currencies,
      collation strategies, numbering systems, time zones, and units are
      available for internationalization.

- It's now possible to use `GObject.BindingGroup.prototype.bind_full()` with JS
  functions. Previously this method was unusable in JS.

- Gio.FileEnumerator is now iterable, both synchronously (with for-of or array
  spread syntax) and asynchronously (with for-await-of).

- Performance improvements in the built-in `imports.signals` module.

- Many improvements to the examples and documentation.

- Closed bugs and merge requests:
  * Spidermonkey 102 [#487, !765, !785, Evan Welsh, Philip Chimento]
  * Object connections / signal emissions optimizations [#485, !758, Marco
  * tests/Gio: Cleanup Gio._promisify [!767, Marco Trevisan]
  * Include JUnit reports in builds [!768, Marco Trevisan]
  * Integrate pretty print to the debugger [!769, Nasah Kuma]
  * doc: Edit GJS description [!771, Sonny Piers]
  * doc: note the version `constructor()` became supported [!774, Andy Holmes]
  * build: disable sysprof agent for subproject fallback [!775, Christian
  * Update CI images [!776, !777, !778, Philip Chimento]
  * GListModel.get_n_items returns garbage value [#493, !779, Florian Müllner]
  * Add override for g_binding_group_bind_full() [!780, Florian Müllner]
  * doc: Modernize examples [!781, Sonny Piers]
  * doc: Document byteArray deprecation and migration [!782, Sonny Piers]
  * doc: add simple Gtk.TickCallback example [!783, Andy Holmes]
  * Make GFileEnumerator iterable and async iterable [!784, Sonny Piers]

Version 1.72.2

- Various fixes ported from the development branch.

- Closed bugs and merge requests:
  * gi/arg-cache.cpp: Fix building on Visual Studio [!772, Chun-wei Fan]
  * doc: Reflect support for constructor with GObject [!773, Sonny Piers]


Version 1.74.0

- Many improvements to the examples and documentation.

- Build fixes for Windows.

- Overrides to certain non-introspectable functions that will now gracefully
  throw an exception instead of crashing.

- Closed bugs and merge requests:
  * Various maintenance [!786, Philip Chimento]
  * http example not reliable, relies on server provided content-length. [#498,
    !787, Andy Holmes]
  * Gio set_attribute SIGSEGV (Address boundary error) [#496, !788, Philip
  * Fix Visual Studio builds after migration to SpiderMonkey 102.x [!789,
    Chun-wei Fan]
  * Update Visual Studio build instructions [!791, Chun-wei Fan]
  * doc: reformat for better scraping with DevDocs [!792, Andy Holmes]
  * doc: Update Home [!793, Sonny Piers]
  * GLib: override GThread functions [!795, Andy Holmes]

Version 1.73.90

- Skipped.

Version 1.72.3

- Fix for crash after build against libffi 3.4.2 ported from the development


Version 1.74.1

- Closed bugs and merge requests:
  * Problem calling promisified D-Bus wrappers with callback [#494, !790, Marco
  * docs: Fix link in issue template [!799, Jan Tojnar]
  * doc: Document Gio.FileEnumerator iteration [!800, Sonny Piers]
  * doc: Fix Markdown formatting in [!803, Kisaragi Hiu]

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 years ago

Summary: gjs-1.74.0gjs-1.74.1

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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