Opened 2 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#17824 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: gnome-44
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Xi Ruoyao, 2 years ago

Version 1.76.0

  • No changes from release candidate 1.75.90.

Version 1.75.90

  • Closed bugs and merge requests:
    • NEWS: fix a typo causing codespell to fail [!824, Marco Trevisan]
    • doc: Add more apps written in GJS [!822, Sonny Piers]
    • Gio: Use proper default priority on async generators [!827, Marco Trevisan]
    • gjs 1.75.2 GObjectValue build test failing on ARM [#529, !825, Marco Trevisan]
    • testGObjectValue: Enable creating object with a string property [!826, Marco Trevisan]
    • Handle transfer-none string return value from vfunc implemented in JS [#519, 823, Marco Trevisan, Daniel van Vugt]
    • Various maintenance, performance improvements [!828, Philip Chimento]

Version 1.75.2

  • There are new Gio.Application.prototype.runAsync() and GLib.MainLoop.prototype.runAsync() methods which do the same thing as run() but return a Promise which resolves when the main loop ends, instead of blocking while the main loop runs. Use one of these methods (by awaiting it) if you use async operations with Promises in your application. Previously, it was easy to get into a state where Promises never resolved if you didn't run the main loop inside a callback. [Evan Welsh]
  • There are new Gio.InputStream.prototype.createSyncIterator() and Gio.InputStream.prototype.createAsyncIterator() methods which allow easy iteration of input streams in consecutive chunks of bytes, either with a for-of loop or a for-await-of loop. [Sonny Piers]
  • DBus proxy wrapper classes now have a static newAsync() method, which returns a Promise that resolves to an instance of the proxy wrapper class on which initAsync() has completed. [Marco Trevisan]
  • DBus property getters can now return GLib.Variant instances directly, if they have the correct type, instead of returning JS values and having them be packed into GLib.Variants. [Andy Holmes]
  • Dramatic performance improvements in the legacy imports.signals module, which has also gained a connectAfter() method that works like the same-named method in GObject signals. (However, the signals module remains legacy, and is mostly there for historical reasons with GNOME Shell. Don't use it in new code.) [Marco Trevisan]
  • For years we have had a typo in Cairo.LineCap.SQUARE, incorrectly naming it SQUASH. This is fixed and the typoed name is retained as an alias. [Vítor Vasconcellos]
  • Also in Cairo, the value of Cairo.Format.RGB16_565 was wrong. This was fixed with a breaking change, because anyone using it was probably already not getting the results they expected. [Vítor Vasconcellos]
  • Continuing the Cairo improvements, SVG surfaces have gained Cairo.SVGSurface.prototype.finish() and Cairo.SVGSurface.prototype.flush() because previously SVG surfaces were only written to disk when the SVGSurface object was garbage collected, making it uncertain to rely on them. [tuberry]
  • The debugger now handles Symbol values and Symbol property keys of objects. Previously, these were not displayed correctly. [Philip Chimento]
  • Various type-safety refactors [Marco Trevisan]
  • Many bug fixes and performance improvements.
  • Closed bugs and merge requests:
    • Promises in do not fulfill until loop exit [#468, !732, Evan Welsh]
    • console: Various cleanups to tracing functions and increase structured logging metadata [!756, Marco Trevisan]
    • Legacy signals code optimizations [!757, Marco Trevisan]
    • meson: Depend on g-i 1.71 and enable newly supported tests [!761, Marco Trevisan]
    • Gio: Add support for initializing a DBus Proxy via a promise [#494, !794, Marco Trevisan, Philip Chimento]
    • Make GInputStream iterable and async iterable [!573, !797, Sonny Piers]
    • Gio: allow D-Bus implementations to return pre-packed variants [!796, Andy Holmes]
    • Update ESLint tooling [!798, Sonny Piers]
    • Various maintenance [!804, !814, !820, Philip Chimento]
    • Add legacy signals connectAfter method [!805, Marco Trevisan]
    • arg-cache: Add support passing caller-allocated C-arrays [!806, Marco Trevisan]
    • Crash when passing an introspected function as a callback argument [#518, !809, Philip Chimento]
    • CI: Upgrade CI images to F37 [!810, Philip Chimento]
    • Possible errors in cairo enums !811, Vítor Vasconcellos
    • ci: Only run source check jobs if relevant files have been changed [!812, Marco Trevisan]
    • cairo.SVGSurface need finish() and flush() to finalize painting [#515, !816, tuberry]
    • signals: Fix bugs when multiple handlers are connected and disconnect is called [!818, Evan Welsh]
    • Handle Symbol values in pretty-printer and debugger [!819, Philip Chimento]

Version 1.75.1

  • Static methods on classes from GObject introspection are now present on JS classes that inherit from those classes. [Marco Trevisan]

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 2 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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