Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#2015 closed task (fixed)

cdrtools is not required to build k3b

Reported by: Chris Staub Owned by: Randy McMurchy
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.2.0
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:


cdrtools is only needed at runtime so it doesn't need to be listed as "Required" in the k3b instructions.

Change History (8)

comment:1 by dnicholson@…, 19 years ago

I don't think that's a hard and fast rule in BLFS. At least, no one told me that Required=Build-time. There are quite a few run-time only dependencies listed in the book. It doesn't sound like a win to me to remove cdrtools from the dependencies of k3b.

comment:2 by Randy McMurchy, 19 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Randy McMurchy

comment:3 by Chris Staub, 19 years ago

Technically, cdrtools isn't even required to *run* k3b, if you just want to rip CDs or DVDs to make image files on your hard drive.

comment:4 by Randy McMurchy, 19 years ago

Are you certain about that, Chris.

It specifically mentions on the K3b page that Cdrecord and dvd+rw-tools is required. And I was under the impression that the code in this file:

libk3b/core/k3bdefaultexternalprograms.cpp (in the source tree)

is referenced by all programs of K3b when the program is started. I'm not certain about that, though.

comment:5 by Chris Staub, 19 years ago

I am sure, because I do not have cdrtools installed and have successfully used k3b to rip DVDs onto my hard drive. It *does* complain at startup that it can't find cdrecord, but it works.

comment:6 by Randy McMurchy, 19 years ago

If a program complains that a dep is missing, that means the maintainer expects it to be there. We are not in the business of writing a book to provide instructions that creates instances where a program complains about missing files.

In this case I would say for BLFS purposes, Cdrtools is a run-time requirement. YMMV.

comment:7 by Chris Staub, 19 years ago

That's fine. cdrdao would also have to be added as a "required" run-time dep., because k3b complains that it can't find that as well.

comment:8 by Randy McMurchy, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Clarified the dependencies by adding a note saying that programs from three packages are looked for at runtime and warnings will be displayed if they are not installed.

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