Opened 5 weeks ago

Closed 5 weeks ago

Last modified 5 weeks ago

#20220 closed enhancement (fixed)

Python Dependency Updates for BLFS 12.2 ( alabaster attrs babel certifi chardet charset-normalizer idna markdown msgpack sphinxcontrib-devhelp sphinxcontrib-qthelp sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml urllib3 )

Reported by: Douglas R. Reno Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: elevated Milestone: 12.2
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


This ticket is for the python module dependency updates prior to BLFS 12.2. The current state of the book is:

Package	Book Version	Current Version
alabaster	0.7.16	1.0.0
attrs	23.2.0	24.2.0
babel	2.15.0	2.16.0
certifi	2024.2.2	2024.7.4
chardet	5.1.0	5.2.0
Charset-normalizer	3.0.1	3.3.2
commonmark	0.9.1	0.9.1
editables	0.5	0.5
hatchling	1.25.0	1.25.0
Hatch-fancy-pypi-readme	24.1.0	24.1.0
hatch_vcs	0.4.0	0.4.0
Idna	3.4	3.7
imagesize	1.4.1	1.4.1
iniconfig	2.0.0	2.0.0
markdown	3.4.1	3.6
meson_python	0.16.0	0.16.0
msgpack	1.0.4	1.0.8
pathspec	0.12.1	0.12.1
pluggy	1.5.0	1.5.0
Pyproject-metadata	0.8.0	0.8.0
pytz	2024.1	2024.1
setuptools_scm	8.1.0	8.1.0
smartypants	2.0.1	2.0.1
snowballstemmer	2.2.0	2.2.0
Sphinxcontrib-applehelp	2.0.0	2.0.0
Sphinxcontrib-devhelp	1.0.2	2.0.0
Sphinxcontrib-jquery	4.1	4.1
Sphinxcontrib-jsmath	1.0.1	1.0.1
Sphinxcontrib-qthelp	1.0.3	2.0.0
Sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml	1.1.9	2.0.0
Trove-classifiers	2024.7.2	2024.7.2
typogrify	2.0.7	2.0.7
urllib3	2.0.2	2.2.2
webencodings	0.5.1	0.5.1

This brings the following updates to the table:

Package	Book Version	Current Version
alabaster	0.7.16	1.0.0
attrs	23.2.0	24.2.0
babel	2.15.0	2.16.0
certifi	2024.2.2	2024.7.4
chardet	5.1.0	5.2.0
Charset-normalizer	3.0.1	3.3.2
markdown	3.4.1	3.6
msgpack	1.0.4	1.0.8
Sphinxcontrib-devhelp	1.0.2	2.0.0
Sphinxcontrib-qthelp	1.0.3	2.0.0
Sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml	1.1.9	2.0.0
urllib3	2.0.2	2.2.2

Change History (17)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


1.0.0 – 2024-07-26

    Dropped support for Python 3.9 and earlier.

    Dropped support for Sphinx 6.1 and earlier.

    Use a new SVG image for the GitHub banner.

    #217 Use the new searchfield component for the search box. Patch by Tim Hoffmann.

    #104 Allow translating strings in relations.html.

    #125 Do not underline linked images.

        Patch by Joshua Bronson.

    #169 Do not ignore the Pygments background colour. Patch by Matthias Geier.

    #174 Fix clipping caused by incorrect CSS breakpoints.

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


24.2.0 - 2024-08-06

    Given the amount of warnings raised in the broader ecosystem, we’ve decided to only 
soft-deprecate the hash argument to @define / @attr.s. Please don’t use it in new code, 
but we don’t intend to remove it anymore. #1330


    attrs.converters.pipe() (and its syntactic sugar of passing a list for 
attrs.field()’s / attr.ib()’s converter argument) works again when passing 
attrs.setters.convert to on_setattr (which is default for attrs.define). #1328

    Restored support for PEP 649 / 749-implementing Pythons – currently 3.14-dev. #1329

24.1.0 - 2024-08-03

Backwards-incompatible Changes

    attrs.evolve() doesn’t accept the inst argument as a keyword argument anymore. Pass 
it as the first positional argument instead. #1264

    attrs.validators.provides() has been removed. The removed code is available as a 
gist for convenient copy and pasting. #1265

    All packaging metadata except from __version__ and __version_info__ has been removed 
from the attr and attrs modules (for example, attrs.__url__).

    Please use importlib.metadata or importlib-metadata instead. #1268

    The generated __eq__ methods have been sped up significantly by generating a chain 
of attribute comparisons instead of constructing and comparing tuples. This change 
arguably makes the behavior more correct, but changes it if an attribute compares equal 
by identity but not value, like float('nan'). #1310


    The repr_ns argument to attr.s is now deprecated. It was a workaround for nested 
classes in Python 2 and is pointless in Python 3. #1263

    The hash argument to @attr.s, @attrs.define, and make_class() is now deprecated in 
favor of unsafe_hash, as defined by PEP 681. #1323


    Allow original slotted functools.cached_property classes to be cleaned by garbage 
collection. Allow super() calls in slotted cached properties. #1221

    Our type stubs now use modern type notation and are organized such that VS Code’s 
quick-fix prefers the attrs namespace. #1234

    Preserve AttributeError raised by properties of slotted classes with 
functools.cached_properties. #1253

    It is now possible to wrap a converter into an attrs.Converter and get the current 
instance and/or the current field definition passed into the converter callable.

    Note that this is not supported by any type checker, yet. #1267

    attrs.make_class() now populates the __annotations__ dict of the generated class, so 
that attrs.resolve_types() can resolve them. #1285

    Added the attrs.validators.or_() validator. #1303

    The combination of a __attrs_pre_init__ that takes arguments, a kw-only field, and a 
default on that field does not crash anymore. #1319

    attrs.validators.in_() now transforms certain unhashable options to tuples to keep 
the field hashable.

    This allows fields that use this validator to be used with, for example, 
attrs.filters.include(). #1320

    If a class has an inherited method called __attrs_init_subclass__, it is now called 
once the class is done assembling.

    This is a replacement for Python’s __init_subclass__ and useful for registering 
classes, and similar. #1321

comment:4 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


What's Changed

    Upgrade GitHub Actions versions to avoid deprecation warnings by @akx in #1080
    Replace deprecated ast.Str with ast.Constant by @tomasr8 in #1083
    Fix #1094 by @john-psina in #1095
    CI fixes by @akx in #1097
    Upgrade to CLDR 45 by @tomasr8 in #1077
    Make pgettext search plurals when translation is not found by @tomasr8 in #1085
    Fix for #832 by @Edwin18 in #1052
    Support list format fallbacks by @akx in #1099
    Improve Codecov configuration by @akx in #1103
    Avoid crashing on importing localtime when TZ is malformed by @akx in #1100
    Allow parsing .po files that have an extant but empty Language header by @akx in 
    Add a mention to the docs that format_skeleton(..., fuzzy=True) may raise by 
@tomasr8 in #1106
    Allow falling back to modifier-less locale data by @akx in #1104
    Allow use of importlib.metadata for finding entrypoints by @akx in #1102
    Test on Python 3.13 beta releases by @akx in #1107
    Normalize package name to lower-case in by @akx in #1110
    Do not allow substituting alternates or drafts in derived locales by @akx in #1113
    Two hyperlinks (to CLDR) and some typos by @buhtz in #1115
    Initial support for reading mapping configuration as TOML by @akx in #1108
    Prepare for 2.16.0 release by @akx in #1116

comment:5 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


Certifi is just certificate updates

comment:6 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


Adds support for running chardet CLI via python -m chardet (0e9b7bc, @dan-blanchard)

comment:7 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


3.3.2 (2023-10-31)

    Unintentional memory usage regression when using large payload that match several 
encoding (#376)
    Regression on some detection case showcased in the documentation (#371)


    Noise (md) probe that identify malformed arabic representation due to the presence 
of letters in isolated form (credit to my wife)

3.3.1 (2023-10-22)

    Optional mypyc compilation upgraded to version 1.6.1 for Python >= 3.8
    Improved the general detection reliability based on reports from the community

3.3.0 (2023-09-30)

    Allow to execute the CLI (e.g. normalizer) through python -m charset_normalizer.cli 
or python -m charset_normalizer
    Support for 9 forgotten encoding that are supported by Python but unlisted in 
encoding.aliases as they have no alias (#323)


    (internal) Redundant utils.is_ascii function and unused function is_private_use_only
    (internal) charset_normalizer.assets is moved inside charset_normalizer.constant


    (internal) Unicode code blocks in constants are updated using the latest v15.0.0 definition to improve detection
    Optional mypyc compilation upgraded to version 1.5.1 for Python >= 3.8


    Unable to properly sort CharsetMatch when both chaos/noise and coherence were close 
due to an unreachable condition in __lt__ (#350)

3.2.0 (2023-06-07)

    Typehint for function from_path no longer enforce PathLike as its first argument
    Minor improvement over the global detection reliability


    Introduce function is_binary that relies on main capabilities, and optimized to 
detect binaries
    Propagate enable_fallback argument throughout from_bytes, from_path, and from_fp 
that allow a deeper control over the detection (default True)
    Explicit support for Python 3.12


    Edge case detection failure where a file would contain 'very-long' camel cased word 
(Issue #289)

3.1.0 (2023-03-06)

    Argument should_rename_legacy for legacy function detect and disregard any new 
arguments without errors (PR #262)


    Support for Python 3.6 (PR #260)


    Optional speedup provided by mypy/c 1.0.1

comment:8 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago

Priority: normalelevated


3.7 (2024-04-11)

    Fix issue where specially crafted inputs to encode() could take exceptionally long 
amount of time to process. [CVE-2024-3651]

Thanks to Guido Vranken for reporting the issue.

3.6 (2023-11-25)

    Fix regression to include tests in source distribution.

3.5 (2023-11-24)

    Update to Unicode 15.1.0
    String codec name is now "idna2008" as overriding the system codec "idna" was not 
    Fix typing error for codec encoding
    "setup.cfg" has been added for this release due to some downstream lack of adherence 
to PEP 517. Should be removed in a future release so please prepare accordingly.
    Removed reliance on a symlink for the "idna-data" tool to comport with PEP 517 and 
the Python Packaging User Guide for sdist archives.
    Added security reporting protocol for project

Thanks Jon Ribbens, Diogo Teles Sant'Anna, Wu Tingfeng for contributions to this 

Note: this brings a security update to the table. Time to file an SA later... :)

comment:9 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


[3.6] – 2024-03-14
Refactor TOC Sanitation

    All postprocessors are now run on heading content.
    Footnote references are now stripped from heading content. Fixes #660.
    A more robust striptags is provided to convert headings to plain text. Unlike, the 
markupsafe implementation, HTML entities are not unescaped.
    The plain text name, rich html, and unescaped raw data-toc-label are saved to 
toc_tokens, allowing users to access the full rich text content of the headings directly 
from toc_tokens.
    The value of data-toc-label is sanitized separate from heading content before being 
written to name. This fixes a bug which allowed markup through in certain circumstances. 
To access the raw unsanitized data, retrieve the value from token['data-toc-label'] 
    An html.unescape call is made just prior to calling slugify so that slugify only 
operates on Unicode characters. Note that html.unescape is not run on name, html, or 
    The functions get_name and stashedHTML2text defined in the toc extension are both 
deprecated. Instead, third party extensions should use some combination of the new 
functions run_postprocessors, render_inner_html and striptags.


    Include scripts/*.py in the generated source tarballs (#1430).
    Ensure lines after heading in loose list are properly detabbed (#1443).
    Give smarty tree processor higher priority than toc (#1440).
    Permit carets (^) and square brackets (]) but explicitly exclude backslashes (\) 
from abbreviations (#1444).
    In attribute lists (attr_list, fenced_code), quoted attribute values are now allowed 
to contain curly braces (}) (#1414).

[3.5.2] – 2024-01-10

    Fix type annotations for convertFile - it accepts only bytes-based buffers. Also 
remove legacy checks from Python 2 (#1400)
    Remove legacy import needed only in Python 2 (#1403)
    Fix typo that left the attribute AdmonitionProcessor.content_indent unset (#1404)
    Fix edge-case crash in InlineProcessor with AtomicString (#1406).
    Fix edge-case crash in codehilite with an empty code tag (#1405).
    Improve and expand type annotations in the code base (#1401).
    Fix handling of bogus comments (#1425).

[3.5.1] – 2023-10-31

    Fix a performance problem with HTML extraction where large HTML input could trigger 
quadratic line counting behavior (#1392).
    Improve and expand type annotations in the code base (#1394).

[3.5] – 2023-10-06
Add permalink_leading configuration option to the toc extension (#1339)

A new boolean option permalink_leading controls the position of the permanent link anchors 
generated with permalink. Setting permalink_leading to True will cause the links to be 
inserted at the start of the header, before any other header content. The default behavior 
for permalink is to append permanent links to the header, placing them after all other 
header content.


    Add support for cPython version 3.12 (and PyPy 3.10) and drop support for Python 
version 3.7 (#1357).
    Refactor changelog to use the format defined at
    Update the list of empty HTML tags (#1353).
    Add customizable TOC title class to TOC extension (#1293).
    Add API documentation of the code base which is generated by mkdocstrings (#1220).


    Fix a corner case in admonitions where if an indented code block was provided as the 
first block, the output would be malformed (#1329).

[3.4.4] – 2023-07-25

    Add a special case for initial 's to smarty extension (#1305).
    Unescape any backslash escaped inline raw HTML (#1358).
    Unescape backslash escaped TOC token names (#1360).

[3.4.3] – 2023-03-23

    Restore console script (#1327).

[3.4.2] – 2023-03-22

    Officially support Python 3.11.
    Improve standalone * and _ parsing (#1300).
    Consider <html> HTML tag a block-level element (#1309).
    Switch from to pyproject.toml.

Last edited 5 weeks ago by Douglas R. Reno (previous) (diff)

comment:10 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


What's Changed

    exclude C/Cython files from wheel by @methane in #577
    Build pure Python wheel for minor architectures.
    update Cython to 3.0.8 by @methane in #581
        This fixes memory leak when iterating over Unpacker on Python 3.12.

What's Changed

    remove inline macro for msvc by @methane in #567
    do not fallback on build error by @methane in #568

What's Changed

    fix: build status badge by @Laerte in #538
    Drop python2 support by @sblondon in #519
    Drop Python 3.6 support by @evgenymarkov in #543
    try Cython 3.0 by @methane in #548
    CI: update cibuildwheel to v2.15.0 by @methane in #551
    sphinx-related work by @ThomasWaldmann in #554
    move project metadata to pyproject.toml by @ThomasWaldmann in #555
    add a basic .readthedocs.yaml file by @ThomasWaldmann in #558
    fix .readthedocs.yaml, fixes #559 by @ThomasWaldmann in #560
    prepare for 1.0.6rc1 by @methane in #557
    update actions by @methane in #563
    release v1.0.6 by @methane in #564

What's Changed

    Fallback to compiler defines when __BYTE_ORDER is not available by @kulikjak in #513
    Fix build error caused by ntohs, ntohl by @methane in #514
    Add python 3.11 wheels by @mayeut in #517
    fallback: Fix packing multidim memoryview by @methane in #527
    minor type in exception message by @AvdN in #533

comment:11 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


Release 2.0.0 (2024-07-28)

    Adopt Ruff
    Tighten MyPy settings
    Update GitHub actions versions
    Avoid storing build time in gzip headers

Release 1.0.6 (2024-01-13)

    Remove Sphinx as a required dependency, as circular dependencies may cause failure 
with package managers that expect a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of dependencies.

Release 1.0.5 (2023-08-14)

    Use os.PathLike over pathlib.Path

Release 1.0.4 (2023-08-09)

    Fix tests for Sphinx 7.1 and below

Release 1.0.3 (2023-08-07)

    Drop support for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8
    Raise minimum required Sphinx version to 5.0

comment:12 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


Release 2.0.0 (2024-07-28)

    Adopt Ruff
    Tighten MyPy settings
    Update GitHub actions versions

Release 1.0.8 (2024-07-20)

    Fix tests for Sphinx 7.4 and later.

Release 1.0.7 (2024-01-13)

    Remove Sphinx as a required dependency, as circular dependencies may cause failure 
with package managers that expect a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of dependencies.

Release 1.0.6 (2023-08-14)

    Use os.PathLike over pathlib.Path

Release 1.0.5 (2023-08-09)

    Fix tests for Sphinx 7.1 and below

Release 1.0.4 (2023-08-07)

    Drop support for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8
    Raise minimum required Sphinx version to 5.0

comment:13 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago


Release 2.0.0 (2024-07-28)

    Adopt Ruff
    Tighten MyPy settings
    Update GitHub actions versions

Release 1.1.10 (2024-01-13)

    Remove Sphinx as a required dependency, as circular dependencies may cause failure 
with package managers that expect a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of dependencies.

comment:14 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago




    Added the Proxy-Authorization header to the list of headers to strip from requests 
when redirecting to a different host. As before, different headers can be set via 
    Allowed passing negative integers as amt to read methods of http.client.HTTPResponse 
as an alternative to None. (#3122)
    Fixed return types representing copying actions to use typing.Self. (#3363)



    Fixed issue where InsecureRequestWarning was emitted for HTTPS connections when 
using Emscripten. (#3331)
    Fixed HTTPConnectionPool.urlopen to stop automatically casting non-proxy headers to 
HTTPHeaderDict. This change was premature as it did not apply to proxy headers and 
HTTPHeaderDict does not handle byte header values correctly yet. (#3343)
    Changed ProtocolError to InvalidChunkLength when response terminates before the 
chunk length is sent. (#2860)
    Changed ProtocolError to be more verbose on incomplete reads with excess content. 



    Added support for Emscripten and Pyodide, including streaming support in cross-
origin isolated browser environments where threading is enabled. (#2951)
    Added support for HTTPResponse.read1() method. (#3186)
    Added rudimentary support for HTTP/2. (#3284)
    Fixed issue where requests against urls with trailing dots were failing due to SSL 
    when using proxy. (#2244)
    Fixed HTTPConnection.proxy_is_verified and HTTPSConnection.proxy_is_verified to be 
always set to a boolean after connecting to a proxy. It could be None in some cases 
previously. (#3130)
    Fixed an issue where headers passed in a request with json= would be mutated (#3203)
    Fixed HTTPSConnection.is_verified to be set to False when connecting from a HTTPS 
proxy to an HTTP target. It was set to True previously. (#3267)
    Fixed handling of new error message from OpenSSL 3.2.0 when configuring an HTTP 
proxy as HTTPS (#3268)
    Fixed TLS 1.3 post-handshake auth when the server certificate validation is disabled 

Note for downstream distributors: To run integration tests, you now need to run the 
tests a second time with the --integration pytest flag. (#3181)


Read the v2 migration guide for help upgrading to the latest version of urllib3.


    Removed support for the deprecated urllib3[secure] extra. (#2680)
    Removed support for the deprecated SecureTransport TLS implementation. (#2681)
    Removed support for the end-of-life Python 3.7. (#3143)


    Allowed loading CA certificates from memory for proxies. (#3065)
    Fixed decoding Gzip-encoded responses which specified x-gzip content-encoding. 


    Made body stripped from HTTP requests changing the request method to GET after HTTP 
303 "See Other" redirect responses. (GHSA-g4mx-q9vg-27p4)


    Added the Cookie header to the list of headers to strip from requests when 
redirecting to a different host. As before, different headers can be set via 
Retry.remove_headers_on_redirect. (GHSA-v845-jxx5-vc9f)


    Allowed pyOpenSSL third-party module without any deprecation warning. #3126
    Fixed default blocksize of HTTPConnection classes to match high-level classes. 
Previously was 8KiB, now 16KiB. #3066


    Added support for union operators to HTTPHeaderDict (#2254)
    Added BaseHTTPResponse to urllib3.__all__ (#3078)
    Fixed urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection to raise the http.client.connect audit event 
to have the same behavior as the standard library HTTP client (#2757)
    Relied on the standard library for checking hostnames in supported PyPy releases 


    Allowed alternative SSL libraries such as LibreSSL, while still issuing a warning as 
we cannot help users facing issues with implementations other than OpenSSL. #3020
    Deprecated URLs which don't have an explicit scheme #2950
    Fixed response decoding with Zstandard when compressed data is made of several 
frames. #3008
    Fixed assert_hostname=False to correctly skip hostname check. #3051

... and time for the two security fixes: - Cookie HTTP header isn't stripped on cross-origin redirects (CVE-2023-43804) - urllib3's request body not stripped after redirect from 303 status changes request method to GET (CVE-2023-45803)

comment:15 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

comment:16 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago

SA-12.1-089 issued for idna

comment:17 by Douglas R. Reno, 5 weeks ago

SA-12.1-090 issued for urllib3

Note: See TracTickets for help on using tickets.