Opened 3 months ago

Closed 3 months ago

#20898 closed enhancement (fixed)

opencv-4.11.0 and opencv_contrib-4.11.0

Reported by: Bruce Dubbs Owned by: Douglas R. Reno
Priority: normal Milestone: 12.3
Component: BOOK Version: git
Severity: normal Keywords:


New minor version.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 months ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book to Douglas R. Reno
Status: newassigned

comment:2 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 months ago

New Year update for OpenCV 4.x has been released.

        Internal C API cleanup and back-ports for 5.x.
        RISC-V/AArch64: disable CPU features detection
        Support C++20 standard
        algoHint parameter for some functions to allow potentially faster, but not bit-
exact implementation

    Core Module:
        Added int64 data type support for FileStorage
        Fixed invalid attribute value handling in FileStorage
        Extended LUT for FP16 support
        Fixed stdDev tail filling with zeros with HAL in meanStdDev
        Set and check allocator pointer for all cv::Mat instances
        Improved accuracy of Rect::contains
        Fixed result offset in minMaxIdx with HAL in some cases
        Replaced C++ operators with wrapper functions on universal intrinsics backends 
        Extended cv::TickMeter
        Rewrote OpenCL-OpenGL-interop device discovery routine without extensions and 
with Apple support
        Marked cv::Mat(Mat&&) as noexcept
        Multiple Eigen library interop improvements

    Calib3d module:
        Multiple chessboard detector improvements
        Enabled checkerboard detection with a central / corner marker on a black tile 
        Fixed Rodrigues CV_32F and CV_64F type mismatch in projectPoints
        Added fisheye::distort with non-identity projection matrix
        SQPnP solver updates
        Fixed vector access in USAC

    Imgproc Module:
        Added a new function that approximates the polygon bounding a convex hull with a 
certain number of sides
        Added Weighted Hough Transform
        Fixed bug in contours approximation
        Fixed bug in divSpectrums
        Fixed result buffer overflow in intersectConvexConvex_ for non-convex input 
        Added flag to GaussianBlur for faster but not bit-exact implementation
        Added flag to cvtColor for faster but not bit-exact implementation
        Fixed fillPoly drawing over boundaries

    DNN Module:
        [GSoC] Blockwise quantization support
        Faster implementation of blobFromImages for cpu nchw output
        DNN optimization with RISC-V RVV
        Added DepthToSpace and SpaceToDepth
        Yolo v10 support and related samples
        Parallel implementation of nary elementwise operations
        Support for Unflatten operation required by Attention layer
        Erf and GELU layers optimization
        Activations optimization with v_exp
        Fixed compilation errors with different OpenVINO versions
        Fixed matmul crash with CuDNN
        Fixed CuDNN runtime version check for CuDNN 9+
        Added ONNX TopK
        Fixed buffer allocation in einsum (fixed random crash on 32-bit platforms) 
        Added Leaky RELU support for TFLite
        Switched to run-time dispatcher for Winograd

    Objdetect module:
        Properly check markers when none are provided
        Fixed invalid vector access in QR decoder and encoder

    Highgui module:
        Added new Highgui backend on top of Framebuffer
        Fixed HWND_TOP window handling on Windows
        [GSoC] Added OpenGL support with GTK3
        Several OpenGL related fixed on Linux
        Fixed leak in cvGetWindowRect_COCOA

    Imgcodecs module:
        [GSoC] New API for Animations with WEBP, AVIF and Animated PNG support
        [GSoC] Add GIF decode and encode for imgcodecs
        Added experimental JPEG XL (jxl) codec support
        Initial RGB layout support in imread and imdecode
        Fixed imread output type for some cases
        Fixed file descriptor leak in HDR decoder
        Fixed corrupted JPEG decoding
        Improved error handling in image codecs
        Fixed Bayer2Gray SIMD for U8
        Avoid uninitialized value read in AVIF
        Implemented imencodemulti()
        Fixed compatibility with different OpenEXR versions

    VideoIO module:
        Added VideoCapture constructor for in-memory data stream
        Fixed bugs in native video encoding on Android
        Added BGRA streams support in GStreamer back-end
        Updated materials for Orbbec cameras support
        Fixed cv::VideoWriter with FFmpeg timestamps encapsulation
        Fixed memory leak in Dshow back-end
        Fixed V4L NV12 color conversion
        Android native camera feature enhancements
        AndroidMediaNdkCapture pixel format enhancement
        Fixed VideoCapture fails to read single image with digits in name
        Fixed writer setProperty with FFmpeg plugin

    Video module:
        Fixed VitTrack in the case where crop size grows until out-of-memory when the 
input is black

        Fixed out of bounds access in SIFT

    G-API module:
        Fixed input buffer read overflow in vectorized G-API convertTo implementation 
        Extended G-API onnx::Params to pass arbitrary session options
        Handling I32/I64 data types in G-API ONNX back-end
        G-API: Introduce level optimization flag for ONNXRT backend

        New FastCV-based HAL for Qualcomm SoCs (-DWITH_FASTCV=ON CMake option)
        Added own vectorized version of v_exp #24941, v_log #25781, v_erf #25872, v_sin 
and v_cos
        KleidiCV HAL for ARM updated to KleidiCV 0.3
        Initial version of HAL for RISC-V RVV 1.0 and RISC-V RVV 0.7.1 extensions 
        Used LMUL=2 in the RISC-V Vector (RVV) backend of Universal Intrinsic.
        More functions in NDSRVP HAL for RISC-V P extension
        Updated built-in IPP to version 2021.12. Fixed build issues with old and new 
Intel IPP layouts

        HWAsan support on Android
        Several CUDA fixes for old GPUs without FP16 support
        Added getStdAllocator() to cv::cuda::GpuMat
        Updated NPP calls to use the new NppStreamContext API if available
        More convenient GpuMatND constructor
        Added run-time GPU check to haveCUDA
        Add support for QNX

        Extended API white-list and added more tests
        Split white-list per module. Added opportunity to cover opencv_contrib modules 
        Fix incorrect string format in js build script
        Emscripten build fixes with SIMD intrinsics
        Added more public types for USAC support
        Rename Mat::clone binding because it is used in Emscripten
        Fixed C preprocessor stringification
        Fix enum generation issues
        Multiple test improvements

comment:3 by Douglas R. Reno, 3 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed
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