Custom Query (76 matches)


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Status: closed (76 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#2997 GCC 4.6.1 pass 1 gives error while loading shared libraries: lfs-book@… defect high SVN normal
#3165 Packet Man Pages 3.35 lfs-book@… task high SVN major
#3166 Packet Man Pages 3.35 lfs-book@… task high SVN major
#2942 module-init-tools-3.15 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2946 libtool-2.4.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2947 util-linux v2.20.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2951 GCC-4.6.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2954 wget-list has wrong URL for binutils lfs-book@… defect normal 7.0 normal
#2956 Bad link to wget-list lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2957 Binutils pass 2 lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 normal
#2959 Tcl-8.5.11 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2960 Linux-3.1.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2962 GDBM-1.10 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2963 Perl-5.14.2 Security Vulnerability Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#2964 Grep-2.10 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2965 Restore nis and rpc headers in glibc Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#2967 Binutils-2.22 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2968 Bash-4.2.020 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2969 iproute2-3.1.0 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2970 Linux-3.1.4 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2971 pdf 6.2.3. Mounting Virtual Kernel File Systems lfs-book@… defect normal 7.0 trivial
#2972 chapter 06 gcc.xml Grammar error lfs-book@… defect normal SVN trivial
#2973 E2fsprogs-1.42 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2975 Move psmisc before e2fsprogs lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2976 Coreutils libexecdir lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2977 Minor issues with IPRoute2 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2978 Use silent make for packages that produce a log too big to be readable lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2979 Updates to installed program lists lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2980 Link made in gcc-pass one lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2981 Linux-3.1.5 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2982 Replace "uncompress" with a symlink lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2983 Add mpfr patches from upstream Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2985 Linux-3.1.6 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2986 Automake-1.11.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2987 Wget list errors lfs-book@… task normal 7.0 trivial
#2988 /var/lock should be relative lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2989 File-5.10 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2992 Inetutils-1.9.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2993 Linux-3.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2995 IPRoute2-3.2.0 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2996 Coreutils-8.15 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2998 Udev-178 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2999 Linux-3.2.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3000 /etc/sysconfig/udev_retry is not documented bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#3001 kmod 4 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3003 Wrong URL's for Udev in 3.2 part (All packages) lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3004 Udev-179 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3005 Linux-3.2.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3006 GMP-5.0.3 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3007 Psmisc-22.15 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3008 Udev-180 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3009 Zlib-1.2.6 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3010 Instructions to autoload wrapper modules (like snd-pcm-oss) need updating with kmod Bryan Kadzban defect normal SVN normal
#3011 Automake-1.11.3 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3012 Linux-3.2.4 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3013 Linux-3.2.5 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3014 Kmod-5 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3015 udev-181 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3016 GMP-5.0.3, t-bdiv test fail Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#3017 GMP-5.0.4 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3018 Linux-3.2.6 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3019 Shadow-4.1.5 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN minor
#3020 Man-DB-2.6.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#3021 Make-3.82 fails to build various BLFS packages Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#3022 M4-1.4.16 test-readlink fail lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3052 Man-pages 3.35 no longer at the correct URL in LFS stable (7.1) lfs-book@… defect normal SVN trivial
#3060 LFS-BOOK 7.1, Section 3.2 Downloading Man-pages-3.35: doesn't exist at URL listed, inconsistent MD5sums and bad gpg signature lfs-book@… defect normal major
#3075 Wrong link zu md5sums on chapter 3.1 lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3076 wrong link for downloading man-pages in wget-lists in chapter 3.1 lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3081 gcc-4.6.2 : EOL indicators missing in 'configparms' lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3128 Wrong package link in the 7.1 book. lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3136 LFS 7.1 - 5.4. Binutils-2.22 - Pass 1 on x86_64 lfs-book@… defect normal 7.1-rc1 normal
#2961 coreutils libexecdir Matthew Burgess defect low SVN minor
#2958 7.0 coreutils test needs o+x permission on tools dir lfs-book@… defect lowest 7.0 minor
#2974 Many packages now available as .tar.xz lfs-book@… enhancement lowest SVN trivial
#2991 Wrong file listed in Linux API headers Matthew Burgess defect lowest SVN trivial
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