Custom Query (158 matches)


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Results (101 - 158 of 158)

1 2

Status: closed (58 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#2692 LFS book should mention udev test suite bdubbs@… enhancement normal Book SVN
#2693 Section 5.4 Binutils-2.20 missing tar command... lfs-book@… task normal Book unspecified
#2695 Man-Pages-3.25 lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book SVN
#2698 Small update on the grub-page (8.4.) lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2699 Small update on the grub-page [UPDATE] lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2700 Udev-158 bdubbs@… enhancement normal Book SVN
#2701 Total size of packages ken@… defect normal Book SVN
#2702 clarifying the approximate build SBU number and required disk space of the package lfs-book@… enhancement normal Book SVN
#2703 suggest make "New Ticket" link text alway displaying on the top of LFS wiki website lfs-book@… enhancement normal Website unspecified
#2704 Development LFS Errata lfs-book@… task normal Website SVN
#2705 Autoconf-2.66 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2706 GRUB doesn't support the creation of floppy images anymore lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2707 Typo in changelog lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2708 Typo in changelog lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2709 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2711 Udev-160 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2712 parallel compiling set and description lfs-book@… defect normal Book SVN
#2713 Problem in chapter 6 of LFS-BOOK-6.6 with sed in editing the ext/Compress-Raw-Zlib/ file lfs-book@… defect normal Book SVN
#2714 zlib not available (broken link) lfs-book@… defect normal Book SVN
#2715 /dev mounted by udev? lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2716 Update dependencies lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2717 Psmisc-22.12 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2718 Have GCC link to system zlib Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2719 toolchain ncurses ldconfig issue lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2720 tcl tests http.test httpold.test socket.test fail when run from non-root user lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2721 vim 7.3 beta bdubbs@… enhancement normal Book SVN
#2726 Make-3.82 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2727 GCC-4.5.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2728 Linux-2.6.35 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2729 Autoconf-2.67 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2730 Glibc-2.12.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2731 iproute2 2.6.35 Matthew Burgess task normal Book SVN
#2732 Bison-2.4.3 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2733 zlib configure param -mstackrealign doesn't work for PowerPC build bdubbs@… task normal Book SVN
#2734 peekfd not built on x86_64 Matthew Burgess defect normal Book SVN
#2735 glibc 2.12.1 fix for gcc (glibc-2.12.1-gcc_fix-1.patch) is non-existent lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2736 move fuser to /bin Matthew Burgess task normal Book SVN
#2737 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2738 Glibc-2.12.1 and glibc-2.12.1-makefile_fix-1.patch lfs-book@… defect normal Book SVN
#2739 Udev-161 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal Book SVN
#2741 Vim 7.3 released lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2742 iproute2-2.6.35: iproute get command not produced yet lfs-book@… defect normal Book SVN
#2743 Linux lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2745 Some Perl modules fail to build on x86_64 bdubbs@… defect normal Book SVN
#2748 Few mismatches around kernel name in chapter 8 of LFS-BOOK-6.6.pdf lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2749 Expect-5.43.0.tar.gz not found lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2755 typo in Preface, LFS and Standards page lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2756 Inconsistency with "testsuites" and "test suites" in Preface lfs-book@… task normal Book SVN
#2757 ldconfig error message lfs-book@… defect normal Book SVN
#2582 Partitioning for an LFS System bdubbs@… enhancement low Book SVN
#2612 further instruction for $LFS lfs-book@… enhancement low Book SVN
#2641 Q lfs-book@… task low Book SVN
#2646 scripts should use printf instead of echo lfs-book@… defect low Bootscripts SVN
#2694 Install Vim to /bin lfs-book@… enhancement low Book SVN
#2696 all pkg_config in /usr/lib/pkgconfig lfs-book@… task low Book SVN
#2697 manuals in /usr/man and /usr/share/man (same with doc and info) lfs-book@… enhancement low Book SVN
#2640 binutils in Chapter 6 "error" about /usr/bin/file on x86_64 bdubbs@… task lowest Book SVN
#2675 Module-Init-Tools-3.11.1 bogus man page bdubbs@… task lowest Book SVN
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