Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2337 closed defect (wontfix)

Kbd-1.15 doesn't map U+2010 to U+002d in lat1-16 font

Reported by: Matthew Burgess Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.0
Component: Book Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by Matthew Burgess)

As shown in the screenshot at, if one is in a Unicode/UTF-8 environment, the line-breaking character that is automatically generated by man/groff is not displayed correctly. This has been reported upstream at

Change History (6)

comment:1 by Matthew Burgess, 16 years ago

This isn't actually a Groff issue, it's just the fact that my font, lat1-16, doesn't contain the symbol U+2010 (UTF-8 \xe2 \x80 \x90).

If I am reading correctly, a console font can only contain 512 glyphs (including bold variations of the same character).

Ken, any ideas if it's possible to work out from the .psfu file, whether there's space to add another couple of glyphs to lat1-16? GCC spits out some '?' too, when it prints some fancy warnings out, so it'd be nice to get that symbol added, while we're at it.

Or maybe we should add sigma-consolefonts to the book (assuming it contains the correct glyphs)? :)

by ken@…, 16 years ago

Attachment: listpsf.c added

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by ken@…, 16 years ago

Replying to matthew@…:

This isn't actually a Groff issue, it's just the fact that my font, lat1-16, doesn't contain the symbol U+2010 (UTF-8 \xe2 \x80 \x90).

If I am reading correctly, a console font can only contain 512 glyphs (including bold variations of the same character).

Ken, any ideas if it's possible to work out from the .psfu file, whether there's space to add another couple of glyphs to lat1-16? GCC spits out some '?' too, when it prints some fancy warnings out, so it'd be nice to get that symbol added, while we're at it.

Or maybe we should add sigma-consolefonts to the book (assuming it contains the correct glyphs)? :)

I no longer remember how to look at .psfu files - in the past, I googled for something like "psf file format" and found enough to be able to read whatever I was looking for. I know that the current kbd maintainer takes patches, but I don't know how to edit these fonts. I'm guessing fontforge might be the right tool.

Sigma-consolefonts maps U+2010 (hyphen), as well as U+2012, U+2013, U+2212, to U+002D (minus sign) in all of the screen font maps except 'drdos'. Possibly, you can do the same addition of multiple characters for the same glyph using 'dd' once you've worked out the format ;-)

The attachment is the prog I wrote to list what was in a psf. Dunno if it will help.

As to whether the book should use sigma-consolefonts, I have no idea. I'm sure many people will hate the output, either because it is a lot less bold, or because the more useful mappings are 512-byte and that screws up their bold colours.

I haven't looked at the trunk version of the book yet, but previously we used to do

sed -i -e 's/2010/002D/' -e 's/2212/002D/' \
       -e 's/2018/0060/' -e 's/2019/0027/' font/devutf8/R.proto

before we configured groff to get rid of these awkward characters.

comment:3 by Matthew Burgess, 16 years ago

Type: taskdefect

Hi Ken,

That sed used to be in the book until groff-1.20.1 went in. As of that version, the sed does nothing, as the format/conventions used in that file appear to have completely changed. I couldn't work out how to adapt the sed to work, but I suspect that's what we'd need to do again, or get lat1-16 fixed up. I've emailed Alexey Gladkov (kbd maintainer) and will report back as and when I hear back.

comment:4 by Matthew Burgess, 16 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Summary: Groff-1.20.1 doesn't display line-breaking characters correctly in UTF-8 environmentsKbd-1.15 doesn't map U+2010 to U+002d in lat1-16 font

The fix here is to do the following (thanks to Lefteris Dimitroulakis on the kbd list):

cd /lib/kbd/consolefonts
gunzip lat1-16.psfu.gz
psfgettable lat1-16.psfu
sed -i -e 's/U+002d/& U+2010 U+2012 U+2013 U+2212/' table.txt
psfaddtable lat1-16.psfu table.txt
mv lat1-16.psfu
gzip lat1-16.psfu

I'm not recommending this for the book, although if others feel it would be beneficial, I certainly won't mind putting it in. I worry that we might have to audit all of the existing psfu fonts to ensure that they correctly map to the hyphen character though. The resultant psfu.gz file has been submitted upstream and should be downloadable from

We may also want to figure out what the funny character is that GCC prints out in some of its warnings, and map that to a backtick or single quote.

comment:5 by bdubbs@…, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

This has been fixed upstream so we're just waiting on a new release. when the next version of kbd is released, this will be taken care of automatically.

Marking as wontfix. A new ticket should be opened when the next version of kbd is released.

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