Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#2926 closed defect (wontfix)

binutils-2.21 deadlink. Package has been updated and renamed

Reported by: Akim Owned by: lfs-book@…
Priority: low Milestone:
Component: Book Version: 6.8
Severity: minor Keywords:


The link to download the binutil package located on page

as well as the link to it into the wget-list file proposed on page

are dead links. The new location for the binutils 2.21 sources is:

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Matthew Burgess, 13 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed
Summary: binutils-2.21.1 deadlink. Package has been updated and renamedbinutils-2.21 deadlink. Package has been updated and renamed

Thanks for the report. This looks like an oversight after the recent re-packaging of the old binutils tarballs to include files originally not distributed in them. All other versions have been re-uploaded, it's just 2.21 that appears to be missing. I've reported this upstream. For the time being though, I suggest you follow the advice on, which advises that this can happen and that other websites may well have the tarball you need.

Note that for the stable version of the book, you need binutils-2.21.tar.bz2 (or binutils-2.21a.tar.bz2 when it is released), not binutils-2.21.1a.tar.bz2. I'd imagine 2.21.1a would work just fine, but it hasn't been tested in conjunction with the other package versions on the stable version of the book.



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