Custom Query (54 matches)


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Status: closed (54 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#3876 7.8-systemd refferences systemd-224-compat-1.patch instead of systemd-228-compat-1.patch lfs-book@… defect high SVN normal
#3837 man-db-2.7.3 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3838 gettext-0.19.6 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3839 file-5.25 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3840 linux-4.2.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3841 Use GLIBC xattr for attr tools and acl tools and library lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3842 pkg-config-0.29 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3843 xz-5.2.2 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3844 linux-4.2.3 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3845 tzdata-2015g lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3847 ncursesw5-config has become ncursesw6-config lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3849 LFS SVN-20151002 (after 7.8) Notes Building chapter 6 lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3850 man-db-2.7.4 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3851 eudev-3.1.5 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3852 Check if still fails in inetutils-1.9.4 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3853 less-481 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3854 linux-4.2.5 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3855 grep-2.22 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3856 util-linux 2.27.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3857 linux-4.3 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3858 iproute2-4.3.0 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3859 man-db-2.7.5 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3860 flex-2.6.0 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3861 kmod-22 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3862 gmp-6.1.0 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3863 Version for dependencies mismatch in configure script for GTK-Doc-1.24 lfs-book@… defect normal unspecified normal
#3864 Build failure with GCC 5.2. while compile ncurses-6.0 lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3865 Clean up Eudev configure options lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3866 gcc-5.3.0 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3867 man-pages-4.03 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3868 linux-4.3.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3869 xz patch lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3870 perl-5.22.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3871 Reword paragraph 6.5.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3872 OpenSSL can be used by kernel lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3873 findutils-4.6.0 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3874 gettext-0.19.7 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3875 man-pages-4.04 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3877 linux-4.4 bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#3878 iproute2-4.4.0 bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#3879 Move bashbug to /usr/bin lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3880 coreutils-8.25 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3881 grep-2.23 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3882 binutils-2.26 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3883 tzdata-2016a lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3884 libcap-2.25 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3885 linux-4.4.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3886 texinfo-6.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3890 Please prevent installing the whole man5 of the attr package. lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3891 Please prevent installing man3/getspnam.3 of the shadow package. lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3892 Please prevent installing man5/passwd.5 of the man-pages package. lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3894 2 tests fails in LFS 7.9-rc2 "6.44. Automake-1.15" lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3896 Static library included in the "texinfo" package lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#3848 Begin of script missing in the pdf version defect low SVN minor
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