Custom Query (85 matches)


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Status: closed (85 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#1673 Why is each package in the book? bdubbs@… enhancement low SVN normal
#2093 Add GRUB2 to handle multiple architectures bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2196 LSB compliance for LFS bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2489 psmisc --exec-prefix="" and killall path Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2490 Add instructions for parallel make bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2493 Invalid home page for Patch Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2494 Updates to installed program list Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2495 Updates to installed files for Linux Headers Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2496 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2498 Man-Pages-3.23 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2499 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2500 Gzip-1.3.13 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2501 Kbd-1.15.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2502 New program in E2fsprogs Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2503 Linux- lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2504 GCC 4.4.2 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2505 Binutils 2.20 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2506 Why are we using "mkdir -p" when creating $LFS/{dev,proc,sys} Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2507 Module-Init-Tools-3.11.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2508 Linux- Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2509 Glibc-2.11 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2510 GRUB 1.97.1 bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2511 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2512 Udev-147 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2513 Patch-2.6 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2514 Libtool-2.2.6b Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2515 gcc-4.4.2 pass 1 error lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2516 Linux- API Headers error lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2517 Tcl-8.5.8 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2518 Coreutils-8.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2520 Autoconf-2.65 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2521 optional dep for gcc-4.4.x Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2522 MPFR-2.4.2 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2523 Util-Linux-NG-2.16.2 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2524 ping6 location Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#2525 Udev-149 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2526 Linux-2.6.32 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2528 Coreutils-8.1 fails pwd-long test lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2529 Automake-1.11.1 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2530 Coreutils-8.2 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2532 Linux- lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2533 Inetutils-1.7 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2534 Linux- lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2535 Iproute2-2.6.31 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2536 Psmisc-22.9 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2537 Glibc-2.11.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2538 Patch-2.6.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2539 Bash-4.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2540 Readline-6.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2541 Psmisc-22.10 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2542 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2543 explanation for variables passed to glibc's configure in ch5 inadequate lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2544 Util-Linux-NG-2.17 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2545 Coreutils-8.4 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2546 GMP-5.0 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2547 Udev-150 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2551 Gzip-1.4 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2553 GCC 4.4.3 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2555 File-5.04 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2556 grub-1.97.2 bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2558 Correction request on wget-list file. Matthew Burgess defect normal 6.5 normal
#2559 Linux- lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2560 module-init-tools using deprecated config file Bryan Kadzban defect normal SVN normal
#2561 Udev-151 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2563 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2568 GCC testsuite requires file bdubbs@… defect normal SVN normal
#2569 glibc-2.11.1 lfs6.6rc1 configparms can cause more test failures lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2570 Error in Vim72 link cmd lfs6.6rc1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2571 bash 4.1 patches lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2573 glibc-2.11.1 branch updates lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2574 GDBM does not create a dir file for the info entry bdubbs@… defect normal SVN normal
#2575 Linux- lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2576 E2fsprogs-1.41.10 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2578 MPFR 2.4.2 fails to build with GMP 5.0.0 (And some other important MPFR patches) lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2579 MPFR 2.4.2 upstream patches lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2580 6.6-rc1, Section 3.2: NaN MB?!? bdubbs@… defect normal SVN normal
#2584 Linux and Nouveau lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2585 Nouveau Part 1: Intergrating it into the Linux kernel lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2586 e2fsprogs dumpfs segfaults on X86_64 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#1682 RFE: Mentioning optional dependencies bdubbs@… enhancement low SVN minor
#2527 Udev rule audit Matthew Burgess task low SVN minor
#2552 Udev static nodes update Matthew Burgess enhancement low SVN minor
#2562 Zlib dynamic linking for module Matthew Burgess enhancement low SVN minor
#2632 [LFS 6.6][x86_64] Compilation of binutils in chapter 6. lfs-book@… defect low SVN minor
#2564 GMP 5.0.0 has 162 total tests. lfs-book@… task normal SVN trivial
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