Custom Query (43 matches)


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Status: closed (43 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#4235 1.1. How to Build an LFS System lfs-book@… enhancement lowest SVN trivial
#2094 Add a new section for build results lfs-book@… task normal JH normal
#2680 Add changebars to the book lfs-book@… enhancement low SVN minor
#2111 Adding PACO to LFS lfs-book@… enhancement low 7.0 normal
#1713 Bzdiff and tempfile/mktemp lfs-book@… task low SVN trivial
#1658 Chapter 6 - "Creating Directories" needs updating lfs-book@… defect lowest SVN trivial
#1728 Chapter 6 - Package Management - Explain why 'install' is generally safer than 'cp' lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#4521 Configure systemd sysv-compat for LSB compliance lfs-book task lowest systemd normal
#3286 Coreutils-8.21 bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#3035 Create EPUB version of the book lfs-book@… task low SVN minor
#2033 Create initramfs lfs-book@… enhancement lowest SVN normal
#2409 Evaluate "From Power Up To Bash Prompt" gerard@… task normal SVN normal
#2411 Evaluate "LFS next to existing systems" hint. lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#1625 Expect spawn patch is a workaround not a solution lfs-book@… enhancement lowest 6.2 trivial
#2231 GetText docs not installed in versioned directories lfs-book@… defect low SVN trivial
#1981 Glibc 2.5 Make error lfs-book@… defect high SVN blocker
#2230 Groff-1.19.2 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#1932 Inconsistent usage of -v flag in tar commands Matthew Burgess enhancement lowest SVN trivial
#1872 LSB Using nALFS lfs-book@… enhancement low SVN normal
#2214 LZMA-Utils lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#1993 Linux- lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#1955 New Grub version lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2482 Perl config for toolchain may not exclude host references lfs-book@… defect normal 6.5 normal
#1734 Simplify iproute2 installation lfs-book@… task low SVN minor
#2710 Sysvinit --> Upstart? lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#1933 Typo in Changelog lfs-book@… defect lowest SVN trivial
#1765 Update to LFS License bdubbs@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#855 Use RelaxNG instead of DTDs for DocBook validation lfs-book@… enhancement lowest SVN normal
#2725 Use native Docbook <orderedlist> instead of hardcoding it. Matthew Burgess enhancement low SVN normal
#3916 XML-Parser-2.44_01 (Perl module) lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#4647 bison-3.5.91 lfs-book task normal SVN normal
#4489 bzip2-1.1.0 (Upcoming) lfs-book task normal SVN normal
#2062 console-data-1.02-2 lfs-book@… task low SVN normal
#1867 coreutils-6.1(-unstable) lfs-book@… enhancement low SVN normal
#3616 gcc pass1 not compiled on x86_64 Arch lfs-book@… task high SVN normal
#4055 gnulib test-lock test can hang on some machines. lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#3450 grub-2.02 (currently beta) bdubbs@… enhancement low SVN normal
#4964 move intltool to BLFS lfs-book enhancement low git normal
#1738 non-authenticated user ticket creation (testing) Matthew Burgess defect highest TESTING blocker
#2531 perl download location has changed lfs-book@… defect normal SVN minor
#1790 udev rules need documented task normal SVN normal
#1782 upgrading linux headers from linux-libc-headers- to to support inotify lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#4986 zlib-ng-2.0.6 (wait for decision) lfs-book enhancement lowest git normal
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