Custom Query (152 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 152)

1 2

Status: closed (100 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Severity
#2662 gcc 4.5.0 -Os does not generate correct code bdubbs@… defect high SVN major
#2723 gcc configure must include --without{ppl,cloog} Matthew Burgess defect high SVN blocker
#2724 expect 5.43.0 original location is broken lfs-book@… defect high SVN blocker
#2740 Glibc 2.12.1 cannot be compiled on latest book Matthew Burgess defect high SVN normal
#2746 pkg-config-0.25 needs to be patched to allow autoconf to work. bdubbs@… task high SVN normal
#2754 5.5.1. Installation of Cross GCC - errors while configuring gcc-4.5.1 lfs-book@… defect high SVN blocker
#2572 GMP-5.0.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2577 Diffutils-2.9 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2581 util-linux-ng-v2.17.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2583 Man-DB-2.5.7 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2587 Linux-2.6.33 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2592 iproute2-2.6.33 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2594 GNU M4 1.4.14 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2596 Man-Pages-3.24 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2597 Update vim-7.2-fixes-5.patch Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2598 make defconfig lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2599 Binutils-2.20.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2600 E2fsprogs needs a patch added Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2601 Bash-4.1: sed command is a no-op Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2602 GNU GRUB version 1.98. Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2603 Tar 1.23 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2604 broken link: lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2605 Perl 5.10.1: purpose of cpanp-run-perl lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2606 zlib-1.2.4 Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2607 e2fsprogs-1.41.11 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2608 Linux- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2609 broken link lfs-book@… defect normal SVN major
#2611 confusing link Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#2613 download diff lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2614 Wrong patch? lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2615 Bison-2.4.2 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2616 Util-Linux-NG-2.17.2 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2617 Grep-2.6.1 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2618 Text updates lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2620 Bash 4.2.005 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2621 Grep-2.6.3 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2622 Psmisc places pidof in wrong location Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#2623 Perl text update Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2624 Bzip2 version mismatch Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2625 forward - one word change lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2626 A couple bad links on the Hints doc from Prerequisites page lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2627 Change sentence about the LiveCD page 1.1 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2628 Linux-2.6.34 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2629 Stable book packages on LFS ftp lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2630 Zlib issues bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2631 Psmisc-22.11 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2633 Doc directory for udev Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#2634 Kbd-1.15.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2635 Perl-5.12.0 Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2636 GCC-4.5.0 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2638 zlib-1.2.5 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2639 Udev-154 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2642 Tiny typo on Chapter 6 MPC page lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2643 Coreutils-8.5 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2644 Updates to Package Rationale page bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2645 LFS - gcc now requires mpc to be installed in the gcc directory. lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2647 /bin/head should be moved to /usr/bin lfs-book@… defect normal SVN normal
#2648 GMP instructions (dev version) say to add ABI=32 to CFLAGS; should be separate variable ken@… defect normal SVN normal
#2649 Text fixes bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2650 Diffutils testsuite bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2651 buffer overflow in tar-1.23 when creating archives and gcc-4.5 bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2652 Regression in Man-DB-2.5.7 bdubbs@… defect normal SVN normal
#2653 Obsolete command in GCC instructions bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2654 Clarification in Ncurses instructions Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2655 Multiple documentation dirs created by MPFR Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2656 diffutils-3.0 Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2657 Installed directories for each package bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2658 Man-DB documentation in non-versioned directory Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2659 Gawk-3.1.8 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2660 Gettext-0.18 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2661 GMP incorrectly detects CPU-VENDOR-OS triplet on some x86_64 architectures. bdubbs@… defect normal SVN normal
#2663 Inetutils-1.8 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2664 MPC-0.8.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2665 Bash-4.1.007 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2666 Perl 5.12.1 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2667 E2fsprogs 1.41.12 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2668 IPRoute2-2.6.34 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2669 Glibc-2.11.2 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2670 Pkg-config-0.25 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2671 Udev-156 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2672 More explicit mount options for LFS partition lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2673 Specify kernel tarball on Linux Headers page lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2674 Does udev-154 need updated bootscripts? Matthew Burgess defect normal SVN normal
#2676 udev-157 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2677 sysvinit-2.88dsf bdubbs@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2678 Updates to installed programs lists bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2679 PATH lameness in building LFS lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2681 Util-Linux-NG-2.18 bdubbs@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2682 Module-init-tools 3.12 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2683 TIMEOUTFACTOR on glibc test suite bdubbs@… task normal SVN normal
#2684 dejagnu-1.4.4 fixes lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2686 gettext- Matthew Burgess task normal SVN normal
#2687 MPFR v3.0 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2688 module-init-tools-3.12 lfs-book@… task normal SVN normal
#2689 Expect- Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2690 Libtool-2.2.10 Matthew Burgess enhancement normal SVN normal
#2691 Zlib 1.2.5 issues bdubbs@… defect normal SVN normal
#2692 LFS book should mention udev test suite bdubbs@… enhancement normal SVN normal
#2693 Section 5.4 Binutils-2.20 missing tar command... lfs-book@… task normal unspecified normal
#2695 Man-Pages-3.25 lfs-book@… enhancement normal SVN normal
(more results for this group on next page)
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